LiPo Battery charging

Sounds like your charger will work out the amp itself. A lot of the newer chargers are smart chargers :+1:t2:

As in you tell the charger what battery you are charging and it will set itself up to charge it safely :+1:t2:

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@speatuk these guys have the patience of Saints mate and there is no such thing as a stupid question if you donโ€™t know about something. The only stupid thing would be to just do it without asking :+1:t2:


I do my 450 at 1a. They will be fine.

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When Iโ€™m in a hurry I do mine at 2A :slightly_smiling_face:


Itโ€™s not that new probably 5 years old. But it does automatically set the amp rating for you.
You set the โ€œsโ€ value, the โ€œmahโ€ value and it automatically sets this to 0.5a (500mah) I do have the ability to alter this to whatever I want

I got this charger to charge the batteries for the 3DR Solo and didnโ€™t need the balance part. So I put those bits away โ€œsafelyโ€ :roll_eyes:

Took a full morning of routing to find them. Then I only found 2.

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What benefit does this have?

Scratch that I see it speeds the charge up.


A faster charge time :+1:t2:

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Brushing your teeth or wiping your butt โ€“ you have to give one up. Which one would it be and why? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::crazy_face::roll_eyes::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

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Thats a thing? :open_mouth:


OK I take it back, there are some stupid questions :rofl:

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