Live 3D Prints

Post your live streams here, everyone will be amazed and intrigued by your developing masterpiece :grinning:

or not as the print fails :scream:

Today’s live print, can you guess what it is :thinking:

The weather is crap, nothing on the TV, so I thought I would treat you to a live print

Enjoy :joy:

A free live stream :grinning:

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What you cooking :face_with_monocle::sweat_smile:

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A new case for the Pi :pie: :grinning:


Ah ok
A fair few of you guys have these PI thingys, is there a link on here I can have a read up & see what or how these are of Benifit to others or maybe something I’m better off staying away from :joy::+1:

Pull up a chair :grinning:


Thank you ….

Live gun print

Joking it’s just a case for a TTGo :joy:

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