Loch Tulla Viewpoint

Hi there all

So i am aware this is probably one of the stupid questions that will be asked here,
I am heading down towards edinburgh from the highlands and was looking at Loch Tulla Viewpoint as have always been meaning to stop of there to do a bit of flying, I have a mavic 2 pro flyer and operator ID no GVC or A2 Cof C yet looking at one or two different charts/maps it seems like I might not be able to due to COP26 can anyone advise on that please
i have attached what i have found on one website regarding airspace when i am heading down on tuesday morning
thanks and sorry

Hi @robmac and welcome to Grey Arrows :wave:t2:

Your timing couldn’t be worse :pensive:

Most of Scotland is under a Flight Restriction Zone at the moment due to COP26.

Details here: Interesting NOTAMs / Flight Reports / temporary flight restriction zones - #98 by Drumsagard


hey @PingSpike

Thanks for the quick response and i was expecting that answer but hoping for the other answer i wanted

Thanks again


Can you delay your trip? :thinking: :grimacing:

Not really, Ill be down again at some point but prob during the winter where the weather is less predictable but ill find time for it one day :smiley:

Always the Ice Flyer Badge to go for :+1:t2: :grin:

@robmac does that notification not stipulate between 2000ft and 10,000 ft…Alan

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Could be looking at it again :man_facepalming::man_facepalming: so that will be above surface level ?? As per the 400ft above caa rules? I hope that makes sense long night on night shift

If you check out our very own Drone Scene Where can I fly my drone in the UK? - Drone Scene you will see that the COP26 restriction circles have changed again. Loch Tulla is now outside them.


thank you very much i must of clicked the upper airspace section
thank you looks like ill be able to hopefully get a flight in weather dependent

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Getting the weather is the hard part :grimacing:

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ill have 2 chances on the way there or on the way back hahah

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