Lost my drone during a speed attempt

This type of strobe has a 10hr battery life

Feel free to delete everything from today. Tonight, I will several beers. And tomorrow, I won’t even know all this happened. Thanks.

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No way man :scream:

I’ll pull it in to a new thread for you :blush:



So who’s on the SAR team tomorrow Chris @clinkadink ?

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Who says its lost?

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Mislaid? :thinking:

You’re an advanced member, feel free to change the topic title :blush:


Jesting. It is VLOSt.

One sec tho, my original speed record has moved too.

Losing the drone … pah. But not the record :wink:


Its all against you today :laughing:

Personally, I am dreading this already. The weather is crap, my legs are old and bent, and my nose is knackered.

On my way to the take off site this morning, a branch fell on my windscreen. Surprised the hell out me. I thought instantly, ‘that’s a sign’. When I got there and started the drone, I saw my first ever ‘Power system error’. I thought ‘that’s a sign too’. So I happily ignored them and had a go anyway :man_facepalming:

Chris, on the odd occasion when the controller did reconnect to the drone, were any additional log files created that might be hidden away somewhere on your device which might contain a lat/lng?


Yeah. But you topped 100mph :grin:

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That’s a good shout, Rich. Not sure where to look. But I’ll connect the phone now and have a butchers. I know the times roughly, so I’ll lookout for any files with a timestamp that’s close :+1:

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Very true, the bitter sweet :wink: Would have been nice though to get 105, three times DJI’s advertised speed for the Mini 2 :joy:


I don’t know enough about DJI logging to know if it creates a log file at the point of RC connection or at the point of the motors starting :thinking:

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No probs, it was a best guess on the airdata … the best estimate using the kml file and Google Earth was that it was about 68m agl on the last record point … I know that may not fit with your video estimate though.
The drift speed was about 15 m/s at that alt, during the periods when your throttle was zero, and I used a descent speed of between 1.5m/s and 3m/s (from the Mini 2 specs) for the max/min distance travelled, The polygon side angle is best guess on wind direction variability . 10 degrees or so.

Really hope you find it …


Hopefully, the Beers are starting to work :man_running: and the sadness of your loss is dwindling :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Gutted you can’t find the boy, hopefully, tomorrow you will Chris, but to top a 100 that’s mint :+1:

If it can’t be found, do you not have care-refresh?

I wonder what DJI would make of that claim when they look at the data :joy:

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Wow. You’re like Data off Star Trek. I get 36.4% of what you said, but like 100%. I am crap at m/s though. I will venture out again, and complete your predicted SAR zone :+1:

Just so I understand how you did that, you exported AirData as a *.kml file and imported it into Google Earth? Either way, very impressed.