Lost my Mini 2 in the sea

Although it knows its windy, it does not know how windy ;o(

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I get that point, but surely the software would know it has travelled 3698ft and used 50% battery power to get there. So it therefore needs the remaining 50% to get safely home, not let it fly another 2500ft further away

Exactly ;o(

In the case the drone is flown away from home at one altitude, it may not even know how strong the wind was at the RTH set altitude.

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The other big issue was the RTH height was set too high (40m) :scream:

so once it kicked in battery was wasted climbing another 20m up and the wind would have been more up there, also the OP cancelled RTH at one point then messed about a bit wasting more battery, also reducing altitude back to 20m

but then again hit RTH and climbed back up to 40m again :scream:

and at the end when auto-landing was activated using the left stick-up would have gained more time to get back

Nor does it know that it will be returning to home. Pilot could be intending to land it elsewhere and fly a straight line until the battery is exhausted.

I tried to correct matters by pushing left stick to gain height etc and yes I was a bit flustered by the whole situation but I don’t consider I messed about but do understand what @SparkyFPV is saying…but hey, my mistake from all angles so it is what it is, certainly I have learned from this and if others do too then that’s great.
I await DJI response and have bought some raffle tickets for the next prize draw and will also be saving for a Mini 3 Pro.


Sorry for your loss Paul - never easy getting it exactly right when everything’s going south. As already said, Sports Mode is your friend to try and get home. The old rule of fly out against the wind and return with it behind you - if the wind direction won’t allow you to do that then don’t fly too far/high in strong winds :man_shrugging:

Good luck with the raffle tickets :+1: :+1: :+1:

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It was just my opinion Paul, we all make mistakes and we all crash drones :grimacing:

Here is a Google Earth view of your doomed flight, hopefully, you will be back in the air soon :crossed_fingers:

@SparkyFPV no issues at all, sods law was that I sold my Air 1 few weeks ago…that will part fund a new drone👍

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Sports modes uses more juice, so I doubt it would’ve made it either.

If the wind was blowing towards the shore, Atti mode would have been the most efficient, as it is (a) not having to perform GPS positioning all the time which uses juice and (b) you could go a lot faster than Sports mode whilst using less battery.

On one of my Mini 2 atti runs, I did 2.2 km flying with the wind and landed with 83% battery remaining.

Alas, it’s a moot point, as the wind was not in @1977paul Paul’s favour :persevere:

Nor did he have Atti mode

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Hmmm … speed is if the essence.

Hovering stationary = never get back
Faster you move = greater chance of getting back

Most power is used to just stay up - not to move.

“Sports mode uses more juice” … per second, yes, but the reduced number of seconds in the air more than compensates.

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Sorry Paul, but if they want the logs (which they will) I’m afraid you’re screwed. They’ll point to your signal strength and controller actions to show it wasn’t a flyaway.

Suspect you’re going to need to chalk this one up to misadventure and splash out on a few raffle tickets.

I know I’m on a hiding to nothing and already got some raffle tickets!

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Morning all.
Well DJI have responded as expected confirming what we all knew…pilot error😞but with a goodwill gesture of either a new unit with battery and props but nothing else for approx €340 or an exhibition unit (ex display) that has been fully tested etc and with battery and props for approx €229.
I consider that very generous of them and are sorely tempted to go for the ex demo offer. I’ve just waiting to hear if Care Refresh would be available on an ex demo then I think I’ll be going for that option.


It’s better than a kick in the teeth… it was worth the email. :+1:

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Hi @HantsFlyer, yep worth the report. Weighing it up but think it’s the way to go.

That’s pretty decent! I too would go with the demo unit and care refresh, no reason for them not to supply it on a drone they know the exact history of and will be fully tested.

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That’s unexpectedly decent of them. Nice :slight_smile:

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