Lost my Mini 2 in the sea

They have confirmed Care Refresh is available and the units are as good as new with possibly minor scratches but unlikely. Woohoo, soon be flying by again and yes…bloody decent of
Thanks guys.


Great news @1977paul :smiley:

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Replacement ordered, even less than DJI quoted, £162 so from doom n gloom to happy days. Def taking out Care Refresh once drone delivered.

Sorry to keep wittering on, but I ordered the Mini 2 this morning and it has already been shipped and due to be delivered tomorrow! Now that is service :blush:


Why was it cheaper? Did DJI give you a link and the price was less than quoted on the link?

It was cheaper due to the conversion of Euros to GB£, I just looked it up :laughing:

The first guy gave an estimated cost of €229/£196 but the invoice was for €188/£162…and I am not complaining! :grin:

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I recall my Mini 2 fly away costed circa £180. I am sure the price depends on who’s pressing the buttons on DJI help desk. Well done, that is a good result :+1:

:thinking: :joy::joy::joy:

There wasn’t an option for “Blow Away” :face_with_diagonal_mouth:

All I need now is the care refresh and some of those pink float devices for future over water flights…if I dare! :flushed:

I have one of these spare if you want it.

You mean there wasnt an option for “I clinked it?”

@clinkadink Hey Chris, if they no use to you I’ll give em a go. PM me as to what you want for them.

Why waste your pennies

Chris aka clinkadink has very kindly offered floats he no longer uses so all good.

I’ve still run a pair of Getterbacks on my OG Mavic Pro: I had a twin Getterback bracket 3D printed

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Sport mode :+1: and a lower altitude

Twice you used RTH, the RTH height was too high so you wasted battery climbing

If you had stuck it in sport mode you may have made it back

Thanks for replying, i deleted my post as I read your answer further through the thread, but it seems you saw it before i got to the other replies.

Studland ??? you sure you weren’t watching all those nudies in the dunes

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