A small clip-on-to-battery-terminal inverter like mine would happily run of the leisure battery.
Despite the ups and downs Maplins have suffered in recent years … they still sell the one that I bought.
A small clip-on-to-battery-terminal inverter like mine would happily run of the leisure battery.
Despite the ups and downs Maplins have suffered in recent years … they still sell the one that I bought.
Thanks for that, I thought Maplin had gone bust. I guess only the shops? I can’t be bothered to do the sums, but I would have thought a buck/boost converter up to 15V would be less wasteful on power than a 240V inverter, do you not think?
50/50, I’d think … but having 240v probably provides more versatility.
It’s usually been the things I wasn’t expecting to use it for, or loan to other campers for (with beer rewards! ), that have been where it’s proven most useful over the 8 years I’ve had it.
We find ourselves staying away from most other people these days!
Sorry to drag up an old post in this thread but…
As an IT professional, can I just say…