M2P - First impressions

So finally got my M2P out for it’s maiden flight. Flew it around the car park outside work which has a bit of space. I was trying to get a feel of the controls, see what does what and so on.

Found out fairly quickly that it felt more natural (probably as I’m left handed) to reverse the controls so forward/backward/left/right is on the left stick and up/down/clockwise yaw/anti-clockwise yaw is on the other.

Tried doing a few circuits of the car park trying to keep it level - noticed I’ve a slight tendancy when I’m using the yaw control to put a bit of up or down movement on it so the Mavic has a tendancy to rise or fall when I’m turning - I think this is something that I’ll probably stop doing in time.

Although I was just bombing around the car park and then going up above the roof of the building and back down, what brilliant fun! It was a bit unnerving when I sent it skywards but currently have beginner mode set on so was limited to 30m ceiling.

I found that with the limited space I could fly in that I wasn’t able to really open her up and have a proper go but that’s fine. Early days. I’ll head out this weekend for some flying, still feeling a bit nervous sending 1300 quid’s worth of electronics into the sky but I think in a bigger, wider space without a building to clatter into then I’ll feel a bit better about it.

Only using DJI Go 4 at the moment, seems decent albeit some of the buttons are a little tricky to access on my Samsung S20. I suspect next month when the wage fairy comes to visit I’ll pick up a small tablet instead, I can see that would be a more practical way of using this.

But so far, absolutely brilliant. I can foresee a lot of fun being had with this!


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Hi, I got my M2P last weekend , they truly are a fantastic bit of kit , when you get out into more space to fly you will start to see how good it is, I have a iPad mini 5 and I find it’s just perfect for the job . Get out there and have some fun, there is loads of help and advise on here to guide you on your way.

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It sounds like a mental idea doesn’t it?

But we’ve all been there mate :blush:


What kind of sorcery is this!? :scream:


Stupid cack hands of mine!

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Great news, learn gently and have fun! The M2P is a brilliant bit of kit, and one of the best cameras out.

I’m running a Mavic Pro and used an S7 for starters and am now using an iPad Mini 5 as the Tab S2 I tried was (well known…apparently) very unreliable.

Pick your Android tablet carefully!

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Just as a ps to my previous reply, if you want the GPS to work on the iPad mini 5 but I guess all iPads you need one that has WiFi and sim as the true gps is activated by the SIM card , I just got a free pay as you go sim and put it in did not register it or put credit on it I just put it in and left it and now gps works perfectly.


Oh awesome, that’s useful to know. Thanks!

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Although… If you’re going to lash out on an iPad specifically for the M2P, I can definitely recommend getting the Smart Controller.

It has a larger screen than my old iPhone 7 Plus, and has everything built in. And the screen is great in almost any light conditions.

Just my tuppence.


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Can you use a SIM card in the smart controller to get true gps I wonder?

You don’t need a SIM card for GPS.

Does your drone have a SIM card in it? :wink:

That does make sense although I’ve seen ipad mini 4s on ebay for just over 200 quid at the smart controller is quite a bit more. It’s certainly something to think about! Cheers!

Learn from my (and others) mistakes and remember when zooming along, remember it takes a while to slow down and won’t just stop on a dime… Couple of sphincter twitching moments when I first found sport mode. Come flying back and when you stop the stick, the drone carries on for a few metres!

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I think it’s just a iPad thing where you need a sim in to actual GPS . Personally although I like the idea of a smart controller but I don’t like the idea if the screen breaks you cannot fly until it’s repaired or replaced , if I drop the iPad I can just use my phone.

It’s far more simple than that.
The iPads without the ability to use a SIM just don’t have any GPS hardware.

You get neither, or you get both.

But one doesn’t depend on the other to function.

No my Mavis doesn’t need a sim. I thought a sim in the SC would stop me having to connect my phone to see the maps

“True GPS”? :man_shrugging:

See post from Scotty dog above.

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Perhaps didn’t use the correct terms but a iPad with WiFi only does not have gps it has location assistance, gps is only available on the WiFi and sim and even then you have to put a sim in to activate it but you don’t have to register or activate the sim or pay anything it just needs a sim in it .

My brother has such a beast - but when he got it, and I helped him set up his maps, there wasn’t a need to insert a SIM for the GPS to work just fine.
To this day it’s never had a SIM and remains OK.

Edit: He made the mistake of not knowing the Non SIM version had no GPS, and had to swap it. Apple never made that fact very clear, and still don’t it would seem.