Matlock Meet - 5th August

Anyone one up for Matlock this Saturday :thinking: :thinking:

Going to be away on Saturday, unfortunately. Otherwise I definitely would.

Possibly, if its not raining :+1:

Interested in this one

Hello, just joining the party. Sound interesting… Saturday is a day I do not have to wash my hair. A wax of the head maybe but that will take 30 seconds so we maybe able to do this one. As with every meet due to mobility restrictions it also depends on how far from the car. We are interested though.

Off the top of my head, probably. Depends on whether it’s pissing it down or not. BBC Weather hast it down as an avg 70% of rain all day on Saturday. :frowning:

If you believe the weather forecast. The best times to hit Matlock are Friday evening and Sunday morning. If it does go ahead, hopefully there aren’t people playing hide and seek around the place. Had that about two weeks back when i was there. Had to abandon the session due to way too many people running around (kids smoking weed and playing hide and seek). Then went back a few days later and it was like a pot party in the area behind by the river. Not had a lot of luck the last couple of times I’ve been there.

What he says :point_up: :point_up: :point_up:

be to wet and to far

Week after yes. This weekend a wash out.

I did see a post yesterday that people struggling to get into Matlock? That true?

When i was there it was just as open as normal. But maybe all the kids playing there and doing drugs has attracted the attention of the local police.

But the gate was unlocked when i was there. I did re-secure it as I left. Apart from the kids I didn’t see anyone (mid week / afternoon).

Is this the location?

Any idea of time?

Yup. About time I lost another drone I guess…

does anybody know if this gate is openable ?

No idea. I haven’t tried to enter from the other end. I always go in from the top. I did see a chunky gate at the entrance you posted, but no idea on accessibility.

I’ll be there when I get there. Probably lunchtime.

I saw that too. Fenced off. Whether the fence is still up, dunno :man_shrugging:

Thi needs to change to be considered :frowning_face:

Exactly. I do need to get myself back to Matlock, but not with that kind of forecast! This weekend all over country looks :poop:

It takes maybe 4 to 5 mins to walk from where we park, and theirs also room for a fellow waxer :+1:t3: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

wasn’t when I went last :man_shrugging:t3:

Just checked and it does look wetter than an Otters pocket but I’m optimistic so see how it goes can always bob undercover if it showers.

As for the kids, we could change it up for them for hide and seek to chase :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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