Mavic Mini keeps losing connection between phone and controller

this week i updated the software used with my Mavic Mini. Since then I have lost communications between the phone and the controller three times. Using the control and fly to home worked fine. Obviously I have not experienced this before and wondered if others had seen issues. I am using a Samsung Galaxy S8 and the flights were all short distances.


I’ve flown a few times with the latest Fly app and no problems but that was with the IOS version for iPhone.
If you were still able to control the mini with the controller then technically you still have communication with the drone but you have lost the video connection. That would suggest the connection between the controller and the phone/tablet. I would check the cable you are using -they can be very delicate.
I’ve invested in some Anker cables which so far have been trouble free :+1:t2: :+1:t2: :+1:t2:

I’ve been holding off updating to Android 11 as lots of posts online about Fly1.1.8 not compatible with it.
DJI keep saying there’s an update due any day but haven’t seen anything and nothing updateable via the app.
What versions of Android and Fly are you running?