Visited Thors Drone World today and via chat was told they were releasing a tripod mount for the Cendence controller later this weekend 16/04/2021. They already have one for Phantom and Inspire controlIers. I was shown several pictures of it. Nicely made neat job and it comes with a quick release mount that will fit their harness as well as tripod mount. Price I think it is going to be around $39 including quick release.
Will be a good option for sticking the Cendence onto a tripod as they are pretty heavy and unwieldy with a CrystalSky and a patch panel attached.
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Thanks for the heads up @johnbirt 
Anyone thinking of purchasing, please don’t forget our exclusive discount code for Thor’s, details of which can be found in the #members-only category.
Thor’s make some seriously lovely kit 
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So my credit card tells me😁
I ordered 3 items, 2 brackets and a harness, from Thor’sDroneWorld late Sunday eve. Arrived via DHL 11.50am Tuesday!
Even better, the last time I ordered a field monitor and SC monitor/tablet mount over 18 months ago I didn’t read the small print and got hammered for import/customs duty. This time although I read the small print and it still said be prepared for customs duty there was nothing. Must be EU/non-EU related?
The bad news! I forgot to add the Grey Arrows discount code despite a reminder from @PingSpike in this very thread! So swings and roundabouts but will certainly remember if there is a next time.
Contrast with UK delivery. Ordered an item on Saturday from UK photographic shop at £8 delivery and it won’t arrive until tomorrow.
Fitted the Thor tripod mount bracket to the Inspire 2 controller. Neat and simple but very fine tolerance for access to controller ports as you are cautioned in the instructions. However my right angled USB cable would not insert as just too wide despite readjusting the bracket so a lightening cable with a standard USB plug needed. No big deal but a couple of mm woukld have made all the difference.
Fitted the GPS module and dynamic RTH setup OK now for iPad. Bought the module for use with the Cendence when i use that with my pal on camera but didn’t realise it was built in to CrystalSky so not needed. The can bus extension I got is therefore not needed at the moment.
Spent some time strapping on and adjusting the Thor harness tripod mount. Nice piece of kit but expensive. Now just need a week away in some nice drone country. Probably Scotland now we are allowed in. Any suggestions for a good base to fly very welcome. Not much left on Skye and what is left extortionate!
Could you take a stanley knife to the connector and simply trim a mill or two off the edges of the plastic connector? 
It’s the same on the Tripltek tablet 
Thought of that Rich but my connector is actually metal or at least metal coated so would probably butcher the wiring with my lack of dexterity. Got a slimmer cable so that will do.