Member Instagram Accounts

Not long added mine, appreciate any support :wink:

Followed :+1:t2:

Hi Guys, I am very new here but he is my Insta

Followed :+1:


Followed :+1:

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Ditto. :+1:


Don’t forget to tag your drone photos #greyarrowsdroneclub

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Is the account coming out of it’s dormant state?

If the interest is there, we don’t like publishing peoples photos (and never would without seeking permission)

If people start using the hashtag it might gain us a few more followers and we can see how it goes?

Will do!

New to drone imagery, been dabbling with photography for a while. Here’s my stuff

Hi all. I’ve been focusing a bit more on my Instagram lately and trying out a few new things. If any of you aren’t following me already, I’d really appreciate it if you could give it a look :grinning:

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Followed. I’ll add my ‘link in bio’ card and people can choose to follow me on any of the platforms they use if they want too.


Cheers Ade. Followed back where I can but I’m not on Snapchat or Tiktok I’m afraid.

I do like that link in bio card - will have to sort one out myself :+1:

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Cool username, I see what you did there :blush:

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Was tempted to get it changed on here now I’m confident majority of you aren’t weirdos (generally use this one on forums for anonymity) but gathered it was probably too much of a faff what with dronescene entries etc so haven’t bothered asking.

Hey! New member here :+1:t2: squashedant is my Instagram tag! Happy to follow those who follow me :blush:


Follow me at Instagram usmanasgharch (Login • Instagram)