Mini 2 weird connection issues/losses (start of flight)

Hi, has anyone experienced this problem with their mini2? I have to say it’s happened to me enough tiles now to make me nervous about flying it, especially if the take off area is a little tight. Let me know if you have had any issues.


Had my mini 2 since December, never had any disconnection issues. (so far)

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and long may it continue for you. I have to say it has knocked my confidence in it a little.

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Yes I’ve had disconnection issues. In open areas it’s fine. I was in a, car park a few weeks ago and flew up and over the security fencing. I noticed that the signal dropped dramatically to the point of disconnection at only 100 or so feet away until it returned under its own steam.
I’m a, bit more mindful of things like this. I presume the fence acted like a farady cage.

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This is aimed more at some kind of failure between the drone and the controller. Your issue seems like it was a loss of signal (due to the fence). Does that make sense? All my disconnects were less than 70m from me and in the first minute of flight, virtually straight after taking off.

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I’ve had this problem very occasionally in the past when flying a mini 2 from my garden, but not since the last couple of updates.

Hi few issues here.
What mobile device are you using.
Is the lead snug connection.
Are you aiming the Aerials on the transmiter at the drone with Aerials pointing up.
Things to try.
Move to a different area = Few miles apart.
Make sure aerials point up & at the drone.
Try a different mobile device.

Has the drone ever had a crash or hard nock.

Hi Jacko, to answer the points you have raised;

What mobile device are you using.
Iphone 11

Is the lead snug connection.

Are you aiming the Aerials on the transmiter at the drone with Aerials pointing up.
It’s a mini 2 - held in the right orientation and pointing in the direction of the drone. We are only talking a few metres in height and distance between the controller and drone.

Things to try.
Move to a different area = Few miles apart.

Make sure aerials point up & at the drone.
Not applicable

Try a different mobile device.
Not possible.

Has the drone ever had a crash or hard knock.

I appreciate your comments, and for taking the time to reply. This problem appears to be between the controller and the drone, not the mobile device. It has happened in different areas (some were 300 miles apart). I am convinced it is an issue with either the drone and controller. Having read some of the many comments I have received on YouTube, this seems to be more common than I anticipated.

Any further suggestions are welcome.

Many thanks.

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this seems opposite to my experience! It only seems to have come on after the last two updates or certainly that’s when I have noticed an issue.

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Have you tried another lead ?

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it’t not the lead Chris. The phone stays on and displays the symbology at all times. its the connection between the drone and controller.

Raise a ticket with DJI.

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I will, I was just curious to see how many others had been suffering from the same issue.

From the video it looks like the aircraft is doing a reboot through temp loss of power. Is this happening on just one battery or with other batteries? A duff cell can cut momentarily under extreme power draw and a blip on the power line to the flight controller chip will cause a reset.

Does AirData offer any clues ?

Does this mean anything to anyone? @milkmanchris thanks for the suggestion.

Is it direct LOS when signal is lost, no trees hedges fences etc ?

yes. its right in front of me. nothing of note nearby (power stations, etc)

All locations you try or one in particular

I totally agree, I think it’s the updates ( one app being updated for many drones , devices and the smart controller) but if the mini 2 is ocusync 2 ( the same system as my M2P ) then why is it so poor , the M2P can fly out mega distances never a problem, but since all the updates the mini 2 seems many times no better than the original mini , I’ve lost confidence in it , I used the M2P today and it’s rock solid not even a flicker. I loved the mini 2 and I’ve no idea if it’s the link or the app but I’m reading to many people having problems.

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