Mini 3 Image and Video Files Incorrect Capture Time

Bit of a strange one. I went out yesterday to do a low light comparison between the Mini 2 and Mini 3. To give the 2 a fairer chance I flew it first shooting some video but mostly concentrating on stills. My last file captured on the Mini 2 was at 2144 BST.

I packed the 2 and controller away then readied the 3. This cannot have taken more than 15 minutes. Yet the first files from the 3 are timed at 2256. Now I know that this is not correct as I was home by then having walked the hounds and drinking a decaf! Therefore I assume that somewhere the 3 files have had an hour added to their creation time.

I have checked the DJI RC just and it has the correct time on it in settings, my Mac Mini also shows the correct time. Anyone have any idea why the file creation times would be an hour out?

I’d suggest that one isn’t using the daylight saving time correctly, or the time was “set correctly” and then it invoked DST subsequently.

Can’t recall - but I think mine (MP) gets the time from GPS that’s ALWAYS transmitted in GMT ( … well UTC, actually, but that’s as close to GMT as makes no difference), and then the drone firmware translates to local with/without saving time. (Devices are not always good on correctly selecting DST. My car doesn’t change automatically.)

I now leave my cameras on GMT to avoid getting image sequences between different cameras incorrect.

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Hmmm that’s a possibility, I’ll have a look to see if I can change it to UTC.

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I’ve was having the same issue. I tinkered with the time settings and took it off BST, I deselected use network provided time and use locale default and changed it to GMT 00.00 and it sorted my problem out.

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Should add, it drove me mad having taken numerous images and the time was all out of sync so I had to manually change them on the iPhone album :roll_eyes:

Thankfully I haven’t reached that stage yet, though it does trouble my OCD. I’m making a film about the differences and it just looks a little odd that the images were taken so far apart, when in fact they weren’t. :face_with_monocle:

Anyway thanks for the tip, I’ve set it to manual at BST. Let’s see what that does!

This is an identical bug/behaviour the original DJI Smart Controller had.
Looks like they’re just reusing code.