Mini 4Pro Live streaming problems

I have been flying my Mini 4 Pro live streaming with no problems, up until the last update.

Now it wants me to turn off my histogram and over exposure. Turning these off it then prompts to use an external mic. You touch the screen OK and goes away and then keeps coming back.

I have had exhaustive mails to DJI but they cannot answer the question. They have offered me a coupon to buy a mic. I have seen this question to DJI on their forum from another user. They sent them a guide how to live stream. He already has been live streaming before with no problems.

I will use coupon, but they will not admit the problem with histogram and over exposure.

Just wondered if anyone has encountered this problem and found a resolution?

Crafty way of DJI getting you to buy one of their mics maybe ? :wink::wink:

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Another reason why most people here who fly DJI drones don’t update their firmware :+1:t2:

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Streaming to where ?

YouTube probably :wink: