Mini Talon Plane Build ✈

This is a post to show my mini talon plane build as it progresses. I’ve made a slow start already.

I bought it a few months ago from a bloke in Walsall on fb for £35 I think. Just the frame (foam, wood and carbon spars). Cheap! Or so I thought.

A week or two later, I was mooching at a car boot sale. A bloke (a different one. this one was older and had less hair) had not one, but two mini talons for sale! £20 each!

I quickly rang @Steviegeek early on a Sunday morning. After the rumblings once he answered the call, I explained what was in front of me and asked if he wanted it. His reply was “oh yes”. Churchill style.

Anyway. I have a plane. A Sonicmodell Binary (as does Steve). It fly’s very well, and will do 50 mins of flight on my li-ion. However, it is very inefficient. The wing loading is quite high, so the mah per km is quite high. Sometimes in the 300’s.

This is the Binary…

It’s a twin propeller puller plane and is very quiet in the air. It weighs around 1.5kg, has a max speed of around 70mph, and with my walksnail setup, a potential 10km range in a thick cloudy atmosphere. Possibly a lot more in clear air. The li-ion it holds should take it 25km out. In theory.

This is the Mini Talon. It has a lower wing loading and has been designed for long range.


It has been designed to have 1 pusher propeller at the back. Mine will be modded to sport two puller props on the wing. Purely to keep it quiet and graceful. I haven’t glued in the motor mounts yet as I need to square them off properly and cut channels for the wires and a recesses for the esc’s. All in the wings, underneath.

My motor choice has been dictated by what I have at the moment. I will use 2 x 2507 1500kv motors. Now these may not be the best for a plane that will be around 1.5kg, But I need to try them to see if they work ok. They will hold 7" tri blade props and give plenty of thrust. My only concern is the heat they will generate under load. However, on stripping one of the motors down, I can see the quality. The have internal cooling fins. Fingers crossed they will be fine.

As you can see, there is a lot of room inside. Here is an image of the flight controller dry fitted onto a 3d printed mount.

The clever guys on rcgroups have suggested that a 120km round trip on a 5200mah li-ion is definitely on the cards, with extra to spare. So imagine my delight when I managed to squeeze in my 12ah li-ion.

That’s all for now :+1:


gunna head track it? :thinking:

No plans yet. I think head trackers are cool for banking flights. Very immersive.
Maybe in the future if I get xfire, the tracker, hdzero goggles and the plane all to talk together nicely.

Yeah the tango 2 is pretty limited. If I was gunna build a head tracker I’d have to use my TX16S.

You can do xfire and headtracking fine… just not wirelessly :slight_smile:

Tango 2 doesn’t have a trainer port… :man_facepalming:t2:

If you’ve got an FrSky radio or a TX16S with the Bluetooth adaptor soldered in you can use Xfire wirelessly :+1:t2:

A discussion for another topic though.

what other plans have you got for the build @notveryprettyboy?

will you be using a ground station and antenna tracker or just gunna go with the goggles?

iNav or Arduplane?

and have you got any 120km routes planned?

There’s always a way :grin:

60km cable?

expresslrs is inexpensive… even a decent module can cost just £20 :slight_smile:
I have a video in progress about how to do wireless headtracking. :slight_smile:

Those motor mounts look nice mate, your design ?

I assume these are the Brother Hobby motors left over from your 7" quad, they are good solid motors :+1: :+1:
My AlbaBird, similar wingspan at 1100mm, runs two 2207 1300KV Sunnysky motors. It pulls well on launch and cruises nicely so your 2507’s should be pretty optimal on the Talon.
I’ll see how it flies as I still have my two 2507’s from my first 7" quad that I can see finding their way on to the Albabird :smile:

As Karl mentioned in his introduction I’ve also got a Mini Talon kit, thanks to his eagle eye trawling the car boot sales, Thank You mate :+1: :+1:

In comparison I’m keeping mine at it’s original configuration of a single tail pusher prop.
I’ve chosen a T-Motor AT2321 1250KV motor driving a 9" x 6 folding prop which provides 2043 gms thrust from a 4S pulling 40.5A
I tested a 10x6 prop on it but at 80% throttle it was well in excess of 40A producing just 2018 gms thrust so I’m sticking with the 9"

I’ve collected all my parts together, and printed loads of 3D stuff but not yet started the build. I’ll post up my progress when it happens and hopefully our two different approachs will give any of you thinking of going down the Mini Talon route some guidance.


No just from Thingiverse. They print quite well.

Yes, I’ll be interested in the differing efficiencies between our two builds :+1:

Agreed, we’ll be going round in 200 metre diameter circles (to keep LOS of course) for ever / until we reach 120 miles travelled to get a good comparison

:laughing: :laughing: :rofl: :rofl:

I feel left out. Maybe I should get one as well and do a triple build, lol

I love reading these post.

“You can do xfire and headtracking fine… just not wirelessly “

I’ve absolutely no idea what the f……your talking about. :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Maybe one day……

Thats a cool build with some nice mods mate :star_struck: Whats the difference in performance between pusher and puller configuration?

That was me a couple years ago, its like a different language :rofl:

It’ll be quieter…

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I keep getting Karens when flying the local footy field with the pusher… Boy they are loud… Fly it like you stole it :wink:

Karen: “Are you going the fly that thing here?”
Me: “Are you going to walk that thing here?” (Referring to her dog)