Multi day flight reports

I’m probably doing something stupid but using DroneScene to submit flight reports I can’t set the duration longer than 24 hours and then having done that I can’t set one for the following day as it reckons they overlap.
Does anybody know how to submit a flight report for three days worth of flying from one location?
Thank You

I’m surprised Altitude Angel even offer 24hrs as time frame really as nobody flies for 24hrs, not even commercially.

Maybe a NOTAM would be better for your needs?

You could try offsetting the flight reports by half an our or so, to see if that gets around the overlapping warning? :thinking:


Flight 1:

Date and time of flight: 14/05/2024 09:00

Duration: 24 Hours

Flight 2:

Date and time of flight: 15/05/2024 09:30

Duration: 24 Hours

Flight 3:

Date and time of flight: 16/05/2024 10:00

Duration: 24 Hours

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Yeah, that works Steve mate:

You could try narrower minute-windows if so inclined :slight_smile:

Thanks Rich
I’ll try that :+1:
What are you doing for the Big Meet notification? A NOTAM?

Cheers Steve🙂

Nobody at GADC is involved in the organising of the Big Meet mate, you’d need to ask Lance :blush:

Confirmed @Steviegeek - starting the next flight report just one minute after the previous flight report seems to be enough to allow Altitude Angel to accept it as a non-overlapping flight:

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Thanks Rich
Sorted :grinning:

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What did you do in the end Steve? Just offset each report by X minutes?

Not done it yet, I meant your solution is the answer I was asking for :laughing:

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