My village, Saughall in Cheshire. All taken between 9:45- 10:00pm

Thank you guys for your help with the .DNG issues I thought I had ! Here’s the better photos from the evening. Thanks



Stunning photos Vincent @Typhoon_Class :clap:

Thank you, it was all sour of the moment when I noticed the sun going down.

Really great photos, Thank you. :heart:

Thank you appreciate it, sorry about the late reply been away.

Great photos …… not far from me!!

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Hi @Howz , it looks as though you’re quite new here :wave:t2:

Why not nip over to the Introductions page, and say hello properly and tell us a bit about yourself. :+1:t2:

Thank you, message me we can have a fly together.

@Typhoon_Class Amazing and dramatic sunsets.

Thank you !

That would be good :+1:t2: cheers, I’m originally from Upton and now live near Backford … do you remember the mercury/penguin motel?