I hope somebody can help me. I don’t want the feeling I went through today again! First Of all, I’m new to all this, and I’ve only had my drone probably for about 3 to 4 weeks. So still Learning.
I was flying over a building, doing a point of interest manoeuvre using my mini three pro. It was probably a bit too windy to be flying today, but as it’s one of the first chances I’ve had, I thought I’d give it a go. When I was flying, I had a Highwind warning And that I should land immediately. At the time I was over the building, so cannot come straight down . At the same point, I could not fly up because I knew the wind would be worse.
I brought the drone down as long as I could, and then try to fly it towards me, but for some reason, the drone just stopped above the building and would not fly forward. I remember seeing a video about flying in the wind, so switched the drone to Sport mode Hoping this would help.
I was trying everything I could. My legs were shaking and I was feeling physically sick, thinking that the drone was going to end up crashing as I could see it blowing around all over the place.
The drone was just hovering above the roof for What felt like ages and I’m not too sure what happened eventually, but I managed to get it unstuck from the point it was and land it.
First of all, I thought the issue was down to the wind, and maybe the drone was having problems flying towards me, But I’ve seen quite a few videos of Drones flying in the wind, and I’m not too sure if it was this now, as the drone just physically wasn’t moving not making any headway. It Was as if the controller was ignoring what I was telling it to do.
I was thinking afterwards, was it something to do with the fact that the camera was focused on the building? And maybe somehow it would not fly past the building, because this meant it would lose its line of sight, because of this drone was physically, just not flying past the building.
Has anybody else ever had this issue before and do you know a way around it? I do have a full video as the drone was on record at the time if this helps anybody. A little bit embarrassing, But I guess we all have to learn
Thanks Alex