From the Bexhill area looking for contacts and places to fly legally in the area
Welcome, I am from Ninfield and moved away a few years ago, now in Northants however often visit family down there, and hope to do some flying in your area, I would be looking at Pevansy Castle, and the back of Battle Abbey from Powder Mill Lane along with the Fishing Huts in Hastings and the Pier.
Welcome to the forum Gareth,
Sorry I am miles away in Suffolk.
I hope some one helps with where to fly!
Welcome to the group
Welcome I fly quite often at bexhill pevansy and normans bay
Let me know if you’re coming down and want some company
Let me know if you’re coming down and want a partner
Cheers will do.
Hi, we chatted a few weeks ago, I am coming down to Sussex from Thurs 12 to Mon 14 SEP and will attempt a bit of flying around my old haunts not sure exactly were and when as yet as it will be weather dependant and visiting times with reletives, would you be free at short notice? Regards Norman.