New owner - Doncaster

Hello. Just got my first drone . A dji mini 2. An old one i know but i didnt want to spend a lot on my first one in case i wrecked it. I live near Doncaster airport and have only used the drone for one session yesterday. Looking forward to getting some tips from you . Cheers. Tony


Hi @Gillyman and welcome to Grey Arrows :wave:t2:

Looking for Public Liability Insurance? Then look no further, we offer £5,000,000 worth of cover to our Insured Members. Details of our insurance can be found at:

Looking for recommendations of places to fly? Check out our interactive map on Drone Scene and please feel free to add locations of your own too :smiley:

Interested in becoming a member of our Club? Read about all the benefits of membership at:

Wondering whether you can fly a particular model of drone under particular circumstances? Check out Good 2 Go where you’ll soon find the answer :blush:

Have you seen our Members Map? You may find some pilots living near you. Feel free to add yourself to the members map too :+1:t2:

We’re a well established club with many knowledgeable members so it’s very likely that any issues you come across will have been discussed here before. Our discussion forum has very powerful search features which should help you find what you need but if you get stuck you can post a new question in the Questions & Answers category.

Our Associates are able to enjoy a lot of great services for free but our Members are eligible for a whole lot more! Read all the details about our Membership Benefits?

And finally, if you are new to drones and wondering what it’s all about, have a look at Resources for a beginner.

Welcome once again!

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Hi @Gillyman and welcome to GADC :+1: :+1:

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Good afternoon @Gillyman welcome along, mini 2 still does a great job :+1:

Hi @Gillyman, welcome to GADC.

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Hi @Gillyman - welcome to GADC :+1: :+1: :+1:

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Welcome to G A D C

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Welcome Tony! @Gillyman :wave:

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Welcome Husky

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Hey up Tony and welcome

Quite a few of us in the area, and we have flown Doncaster many times (including DSA)

Sign up to @group-yorkshumber and keep an eye on the meet up section, we are usually out and about somewhere most weekends in the better weather.

Hi Tony,

Welcome to the forum.

As @milkmanchris mentioned we fly around this area frequently.

I live in Auckley too, a few mins from the airport so often get out to fly close by while we can.

Expect restrictions to start in the coming months as the airport starts to come back to life

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Thanks Chris. Just joined it.

Thanks Howard. I live in Blaxton and wanted to do a film of the area. Its quite confusing when some apps say it’s still a no fly zone. . Tony


Hi from sunny Blackpool.

You are fine right now as the airspace is still class G. Just check about you and follow the usual drone code guidance.

A good app to use is our very own @DroneScene

Hi @Gillyman

Im also in Donny and cut my teeth on a mini 2, but now have a mini 3 pro

Theres a few places to practice around donny, connisbrough viaduct, cantly park snd even the Airport is class G airsoace and unlockable for the time being

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I’m in the area too, I have a few drones. I was one of the first to get photos of the Vulcan bomber by drone soon as it closed.

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