Just thought I’d drop a hello. I’m Lorenzo (From Above). I purchased my first drone a Potensic Atom 3-axis Gimbal, and really loving it. I appreciate it’s not one of the big boys like DJI, but it’s a pretty good drone to begin with.
Anyway, fell free to say hi and please find attached an image I took at Bosham West Sussex.
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Hey Lorenzo @FromAbove I’m just along the road from you in Pompey…although I used to work in Chi many moons ago ( Westhampnett ) …small world isn’t it!
Hey Lorenzo @FromAbove Porchester Castle is a great spot to fly from and also, directly opposite, I fly from Port Solent too! You do have a Flight Restriction Zone very close to this though as it was HMS Phoenix which was the naval firefighting school. This has now been relocated to Whale Island currently but the FRZ still exists. You can still fly very close to the old site though and this enables you to see the mile long man made lake…which was used to test torpedos!
Port Solent I fly from the huge green that is opposite the Boardwalk ( opposite the car park). Last time I was there they had, very thoughtfully, placed a picnic table and bench set right in the middle of the green. This is not only very convenient but it also keeps you well away from everyone!
Porchester Castle you can park in the public parking area and fly from there or simply step outside of the car park if you want to be completely comfortable that you are taking off from public ground.
Also used to train and test Forces divers and I spent many a happy hour playing with the jelly fish there as a member of the Southsea Sub-Aqua Club.
The sunken landrover is believed to be the oldest serving example of its type as it iwas supposedly never removed from the inventory of naval vehicles …
Hi Lorenzo, welcome to GADCfrom a Hayling Island resident
If you haven’t done so already check out Drone Scene which offers all the features of Drone Assist and more. Either click the link or go to the “chamber” icon next to your avatar and click that. Drone Scene is one of the option in the drop down menu that appears.
Why Drone Scene?
It has a large number of suggested flying sites which have been flown by GADC members who then took the trouble to place them on a map with notes on take off areas, car parking, other amenities and whatever they thought was useful information. Take a look at the area close around us:
Hey Robert @macspite When I was ( much ) younger and still living at home with my parents the house next door to us was rented by the Navy and a few members of the Ordinance Clearance Divers lived there. We always had a huge Royal Navy Land Rover with a RIB lashed to the roof sat outside waiting for the ‘go’ call. Over a few years I became pals with a few of the divers and was fascinated by some of the exploits they chatted about rather openly…after a few beers! I can clearly recall them describing the night diving exercises in zero visibility in the lake and the system for searching for ordinance using string and magnets…not something I could ever undertake myself. During daylight hours they would practice whilst wearing special ‘ blacked out’ masks…something that still makes me shudder just thinking about it now!
Searching the hull including the ‘underbelly’ of naval ships whilst moored in the base were common place…in-fact, they stated it was necessary every time prior to a ship leaving the yard and each time one returned. This single manoeuvre was responsible for the death of more than one diver over the years.
I can also clearly remember when the Herold of Free Enterprise sank just outside Zeebrugge harbour as they were mobilised in the early hours and required to dive into it. I cannot repeat what they explained they found in her on an open public forum but several of them were severely traumatised by what they found. Ever since then, going diving has not been something I hanker after…snorkelling is good enough for me.
My dive buddy and I found a hand grenade in Horsea Lake during one training session …
When I kept a dive boat in Poole I was chatting to a guy in one of the pubs who had been a clearance diver. In Studland Bay are the remains of seven DD Valentine amphibious tanks being trialled (and failing) as a precursor to D Day.
They were rediscovered by divers in the sixties and all was fine until one oaf brought live ammunition ashore from one of them. We’ve all done it but this idiot flashed the shells in one of the pubs and the police were alerted. That’s when Ginger and his pals were called in:
"We went out during the day and put buoys on the tanks we located, ready to set demolition charges on them the following morning. We had an allowance for accommodation so of course we slept in the van instead and got pissed as handcarts in the evening. That’s when the local fisherman, who had a good trade taking divers out to the tanks, went and cut the buoy lines. So we went out again, buoyed the tanks and got pissed again. This went on for about a week until the brass got wise to what was happening and stationed a picket boat out in the bay overnight. The following day we blew the tanks and, reluctantly and very hungover, drove home.
Awesome story about the tanks…not fussed about finding a hand grenade though! Snorkelling and taking photos is about my limit. Was in Jamaica a few years back and was jumping off the catamaran and swimming under it for fun…saw a shark and exited the water pdq! Never went back in the sea for the remainder of our holiday…stuck to the hotel pools instead!