No worries :smiley:

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I will be flying in Nassau, Bahamas on the 1st - anyone is welcome to join me :joy:

I heard drones were being outlawed on January 1st 2023 in the Pyjamas :upside_down_face::rofl::joy:

I wanted to go to the big meetup in the summer, but was over ruled ( wife wanted holiday for 12 wk touring Scotland )

I can see the logic of the locations, Iā€™m up for attending an event, but travelling is obviously an issue for some including myselfā€¦

Iā€™m relatively new also, and am still trying to work out how things are done in the club, but ā€¦ My thoughts/understanding were the same as Davidā€™s

Maybe, once the rainy season ends, maybe a local / small less official get together can be arranged for a small group of us southern softies, that is indeed somewhere south of M4. It would be good to meet others with the same interestā€¦ put faces to namesā€¦ learn and gain experience that would make drone flying more fun for everybody.


Thatā€™s really how it works, I often arrange meets in Yorks/Humber area, from that a few midlanders came over and some north westerners too.

Just start a thread and try and see how many yiu can get to attend.

The big meet is obviously the travel one , but itā€™s usually over 2/3 nights

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At the top of most categories within the forum is usually a pinned post explaining everything about the category here is the link to the one for the meet up category:

hope this helps :+1:t2:


HALIFAX BANDO wins the poll, put it in your diaries
More details to follow.



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The other reason is possibly the lack of good bandos south of the M4 and the large amount of government and military facilities with their airspace restriction.

Add on to that where most people are located. Very few of the FPV group seem to be in the deep south. Most seem to live North of Coventry.

Your best bet is (as suggested) to organise a meetup with your favourite bandos and at least gauge interest. Also tailor the meetup to whatever you fly. This Halifax meet will mostly be FPV pilots ripping quads around at crazy speeds and probably less camera drones. If your scene is more camera drones, then you could do something more aimed at those that fly them.

As for being harsh, was he really.

Thereā€™s a few on that list I want to fly, but not on New Years Day. :stuck_out_tongue: Ipswich and Clee Hill are pretty high up on that list, but too far for me for a single day. Iā€™ll see about getting something flight ready, as nothing is at present. :wink:

:thinking: :thinking: :thinking:
Narpā€¦ i donā€™t think he was harshā€¦ you should meet me ex ā€¦ then you would appreciate the true definition of the word harshā€¦ :fearful: :fearful: :fearful:

Harsh is any woman from Barnsley. Sheā€™d cook you a chicken dinner and then beat you to death with the drumsticks. Not that i speak from experience. :stuck_out_tongue:

Go on then. Whoā€™s coming. Its a 2 hr drive for me but Iā€™ll be there

  • I can come
  • I canā€™t come
  • Iā€™m Kirky!

0 voters

Is the kirky a maybe ? :smiley:
Edit : talk nonsense :joy:
Yeah but no !

would love to come but says its 270miles and 4.5hrs each way for meā€¦ Bummerā€¦ :frowning:

too far for me, have a great day guys :+1:t2:

Wont be able to make it Im afraid, the Mrs is working and I have to take my daughter to work and pick her up. Hope you all have a great day out though, looks like an awesome bando :star_struck:

wish I could make itā€¦

Have a great day all.

@Steviegeek Brilliant idea Steve :+1:. Would absolutely love to come, just bad timing, the dreaded work place beckons :rage:. It is Oldskool though, treble time plus a day in lou, so I guess that compensates :thinking:.

So only 3 of us. (4 if you count my son). What happened to the others who voted for this location?

For my part, itā€™s the Mrsā€™ birthday on 31st but sheā€™s ended up working so weā€™ve shifted things to NYD. Sorry.

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