What’s the plan for timings? Within my 2 hour limit I kind of have and be nice to go somewhere new… Hope weather ok

What do you want it to be? :grinning:

Understood… I’m just wondering though whether without your vote in the original poll we’d end up with a location that more people could get to.

Steve and Karl are both going to have to travel a hell of a distance to get to Halifax and we could have ended up with a less northerly location that others could attend…

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He’s a b@stard, isn’t he :rofl:

At least he’s admitted it… :wink: There’s someone else who is keeping shtum…

I voted for the Scottish highlands

Was it @GunjaFPV ? He hasnt added his vote to the ‘Are you coming?’ poll

It’s gunna lash it down anyway

It’s not looking good… Clears up late morning after a bad lashing.

Halifax is particularly bad. It’s better in Chesterfield than many places though…

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The vote was intended to get a greater involvement from the membership but that didn’t work out :man_shrugging:t3:

I’m beginning to think that organising a BIG meet to bring people together from other regions is a waste of time. Except maybe for a summer warm weather camping weekend.
Any other Meet is best just organising locally IMHO


Yup, we just have the usual suspects interested… :frowning:

Just a thought for you guys & I hope you don’t mind my say so, if so I’ll peee off ! :smiley:
How about if you tried to arrange a meet but maybe with no location until after everyone or whoever has said that there interested, as there maybe members who want too but done fancy the 3 - 4 hour trip,
Then when everyone has dropped there interest / location try and work out a happy medium location in between so the distance is pretty much fair for all too travel, just a thought, unless it’s already been thought of if so I’ll :zipper_mouth_face:

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This was the OP idea, it was only because nobody offered any suggestions or commitments that we polled some locations. :man_shrugging:

I’m now of the opinion that only a weekend camping Meet will bring people from further a field.
Until then it’s just regional groups IMHO :smile:

Are ok that’s fair enough, I’ll tell you what will gather a bigger group …… I’ll promise not too come :joy:
No jokes aside, I see many of you towards the midlands & north, so I suppose it makes it harder for those way up north or down south, or more time consuming rather, time to invest in a helicopter :helicopter:


I think that would be good :point_up_2:t2: more time after a long journey, time to wind down before a long drive home, makes more sense & more worth the while and I’m sure it would be more fun :zipper_mouth_face:



In my defence, at the time I voted for the location(s) I thought I’d be coming.

As discussed above, maybe trying to sort a location once definite attendees have been determined would work better, but it’s a bit of a simultaneous equation, really.


Weekend camping is definitely a must considering I’m all the way down the south coast :joy: the 4x4 is a overlander so that makes it easier

If it was closer I’d be there, I voted Bennerley :+1:t2: just say’in.

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Weather is looking better.

Should we choose somewhere a bit more southerly since those who are attending are not from quite so far up north?

Matlock, Chesterfield, Bennerley, Nottingham?

I’m easy, you accomplished FPV’ers decide :smile: