It was supposed to have been a nice sunny day yesterday but it was mostly grey and cloudy but at least the winds had calmed down for a day.
Ha, you experienced the same disappointment as me! Still nice images. I went down to Durdle Door on the same morning, after weeks of waiting for a weather/tide window that suited. I knew as I approach the coast it was a wasted trip. Got to Lulworth and the clouds over Northern France killed the sunrise I was after, for at least 45 mins of the first hour of daylight, so I never even got out the drone! Incidentally where did you park and do your approach from? It has been on my radar to do as well.
Hi there.
Yep, it was very disappointing. I parked at the South Beach Car Park and went on to the shoreline of South Beach and launched from the right-hand corner of the beach. It was deserted so I didn’t disturb anyone.
I must admit I thought that part of the shoreline was owned by the Crowne Estate so thought I was “okay” to launch from there but I checked again later and apparently it is not, like the rest of Studland and the whole area around Old Harry Rocks, it’s owned by the NT…so I strictly shouldn’t have TOAL from there.
I don’t see any issue with where you TOAL’d I see on Dronescene that the whole peninsula is owned by, or managed by, the NT. The beach area immediately infront of the carpark shows NT boundary further down the beach but there is an area that is clear. Only issue is keeping VLOS, as the ground rises quite steeply, as you no doubt found. Hmm, food for thought.
Interesting gap there…not sure what that really indicates, mind you. Very Strange.
I flew an Air3 so VLOS was much better than if I took up my Mini 3 Pro, but still a bit tight, I must admit.
I’m pretty sure a lot of the images I see are from those launching on the top of the head but I try to keep as indiscreet and unobtrusive as possible for all of my flights.
I agree, erring on the side of caution is wise.