Would love to have seen him try that with me !.
FO with me stand for Fly Over !
Hi all @chrisjohnbaker is coming to the big meet. So if we get trouble, he’ll bullshit the fuck out of em. Chris…
Bullshite is my middle name Karl !.
A couple of years back I emailed the Chesterton Estate office and asked permission, told a definite NO, some bloke had crashed into one of the sails and “it cost a fortune to repair” so they weren’t given permissions any more.
Cheers Steve
Or Chesterton. Does it come under the same?
Is it an active viaduct?
Just goods trains these days i believe?.
I’ve sussed a place to take-off, fly over and round and come back, all within VLOS
Just not done it yet.
Jay @Proteous just ignores the signs and flys and judging by YT many others do also
Cheers Steve
Sorry…, typo… it is Friday night
Wow, thats a great shot
Your LOS is well beyond a normal humans LOS.