Over 370 Local Authority Byelaws and Policies on the Recreational Use of Drones are now available on Drone Scene

Grey Arrows Drone Club is pleased to announce the integration of over 370 Local Authority Byelaws and Policies governing the recreational use of drones into our Drone Scene platform.

This comprehensive data mapping comes as a result of more than 370 Freedom of Information (FOI) requests submitted to Local Authorities throughout England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland in March 2024.

The FOI request sought detailed information regarding the authorities regulations on the recreational use of drones from land under their jurisdiction.

Grey Arrows Drone Club asked each authority:

Furthermore, over four million data points defining the exact boundaries of each Local Authority have been incorporated into the Drone Scene platform.

This high level of mapping detail enables Club members to find byelaw and policy information for each local authority with just a couple of clicks.

The results are available electronically and are available to club members at any time.

Some FOI results indicate the authority, “did not have the information requested”, meaning no specific byelaw or policy could be identified relating to the recreational use of drones from their land.

Drone operators are advised to consult local byelaws and policies before flying from publicly owned land.


To find the FOI results for a Local Authority, click on the question mark icon on the map:

@CalderDrone hope you don’t mind, I’ve merged your thread in to this one so it flows :blush:


I was pleasantly surprised to see FOIA requests to 2 of my local councils (Calderdale and Kirklees) in my inbox this morning (via https://www.whatdotheyknow.com).

I’ve searched high and low on Calderdale’s web site and can’t see any mention of drones nor UAVs. It’ll be interesting to see if anything is revealed as a result of the request.

Edit: added link


WOW - Someone has been busy - well done!


I have submitted 379x Freedom of Information requests to local authorities across England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

The results of which will be integrated to the Local Authority Lookup tool on the map in Drone Scene later this month.


Well done and thank you! This’ll make very interesting reading’

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I hope it doesn’t give ideas to those with no anti-drone policies at the moment!

Why would it?

This is bringing the data up to date on lots of other previous foi requests asking the same question.

I think some councils just make the rules up willynilly. Here in Derby, they say that the flying of drones in parks is banned. But searching the council website ( using their (waste of £7million ) AI assistant ( Darcie) gets me nowhere fast. Ask about drones and flying, it picks up on the word “fly” then offers flytipping, reporting flytipping, how to deal with flytipping, etc, etc. Ask about a Drone Policy, and you’ve guessed it, it picks upon the word , policy, but omits the keyword drone.
Bloody useless. DCC by using AI reckon they’ll save something like £100,000 per year ( for a £7 million investment) Maths just isn’t their strongpoint. :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:


Have you tried “drone policy” (in speech marks), as that often helps if you are searching for a phrase.

I have used the words “drone policy” and their AI system picks the word “policy” returning enough links to countless policies the council have. It can’t differentiate between policies, so simply lists all policies. Even their phone systems have switched over to an AI menu system which is supposed to direct you to the department you want, but like Siri or Alexa, usually directs you to the council website ( fine if you have website access, but many elderly/ homeless people don’t have such access)

@JockyB They do have bylaws in Debyshire for certain Parks but it depends on who is responsible for them John. I filmed Elveston Castle but was told by a local (wasn’t u was it?) that the Park came under a different authority than that displayed in DS (that didn’t have a bylaw). No one batted an eyelid and I was sitting on one of the pinic benches right in front of the castle!

Yes Colin. Elvaston Castle and estate are under the control of Derbyshire County Council ( not to be confused with Derby City Council)
I did a search and on the What do they know website, came across this one containing the bylaws relating to Derby Parks. I’ve read through the document and can find no bylaw relating to flying machines of any type.
There is one saying No person shall bring into or cause a barrow, machine or vehicle, other than bicycles tricycles , perambulators or wheelchairs pushed by hand.
I can’t see one single reference to drones / model aircraft etc ( unless DCC think this is covered by the preceding paragraph)
Searching for Derby Parks Drone Policy, throws up this site, clearly stating that drones are not allowed.
Derby Parks Drones
Interestingly I fly regularly at one of the parks listed and honestly, no one has ever bothered me. Even workmen and councillors have said nothing.

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@JockyB TBH, I chance my arm anyway John. Level 2 fines aren’t that much of a life changer and doubt any council would be bothered to pursue the issue through the courts; unless of course it involved some sort of aggravated trespass. That would never happen in my case! :innocent:

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Yes Col, I’ve never had any trouble flying at many locations. When I first got my M3P, I went up to Matlock and flew around the park there. No signs up, nothing on the usual drone assist/ dronescene. Flew for almost an hour ( two batteries) No complaints from anyone. Months later I checked the Whatdotheyknow website and yep, there’s a bylaw banning model aircraft ( remote controlled ) and even radio controlled model motorboats :open_mouth::open_mouth::open_mouth: ( which is very strange as they don’t have a pond in the park ) :rofl::rofl::rofl:


Is James Bond style, the ones that can fly :joy:


Sadly, I fear that it may. It will be great to know about the existing byelaws.

Sadly this bylaw has been in place for many years. Just wondering how long we’ve had radio controlled aircraft, cars and boats now ? Jeez I can see a time when we’re limited to 5ft flight height and have to have a man with a red flag running in front of the drone. :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:


well India seems to be limited to 15m maximum flying height…

try to learn to do a roll in that window height and catch it when it goes wrong

Singapore also has a much reduced height too…at 200ft… 60m

then there is France … you simply cannot fly over residential areas and commercial areas with great swathes of FRZ / nfz

…it can always get worse and more restrictive… I’m not sure anyone can point to things getting better or less restrictive for anything

(probably the omission of dog licences is one… but now all pets must be chipped so… call that a full circle…)