Permissions for TOAL sites

May have already been covered but had a quick look, obviously as a PfCO that is mandatory for any commercial work, but as I have done before as a hobbyist I have TOAL on public land etc Anglesey Council who I contacted a while ago said it was fine to on their land, not sure other councils would be as helpful, I gain permission where I can but it’s not always possible
What do you guys do? ALWAYS, NEVER or NOT REQUIRED

would like to hear your views


There is very little truly “public” land around. Council land is private land, owned by the council, and they can impose whatever restrictions they wish, except for public highways and rights of way.

In Scotland, there is a general right of access onto private land, although there seems to be a lack of clarity of what you are then permitted to do i.e. drone TOAL is generally neither expressly permitted nor prohibited.

Elsewhere, my normal approach for land that is well-used by the public (council parks, canal paths etc) is that I never ask permission in advance. I think it’s better simply not to know about any restrictions, and I don’t think councils or similar landowners have much interest in policing any restrictions that are in place.

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As I tell the team at work in sticky situations…

‘Always better to ask forgiveness than seek permission’

Thanks for your reply @kvetner If you do ask the question like I have done over time, nobody seems to know, oh we do not have a department that deals with that and “we don’t have any rules” etc. So what do we do? I understand NT and other certain sites are a no go and state it in documents

Like that @milkmanchris👍 I think that’s the way forward until it becomes a big problem

I’ve only ever had to ‘beg’ forgiveness once, usually an ask does it.

But that’s a different story, better told after a few beers.


Does that involve the other half ? .