PfCO course, help please

Taking your PfCO will not necessarily give you the experience, (in my opinion).
They (UAV8) I would have thought, would expect you to be able to fly confidently before you get there, so that you can show that you can control your drone safely.
I have been flying drones ,and other RC Planes for many years, like a lot of other members on this forum.
And as a drone pilot I feel now that after 5 years+ of flying them that I believe I have the experience that is required to be able to do the PfCO.
Learning what they require you to know, to pass it, is another story !.
What the hell do I want to know what the weather is doing 50 miles away, or what type of winds I am likely to encounter half way round the world, etc, etc, etc !.
Remember, they are not there to teach you how to fly a drone, but, to see YOU prove to them that you can.

Practice. Lots. You really need several hours recent flight time beforehand. Or consider doing your flight test at a later time. You’ll be required to fly figure 8s amongst other patterns. Get out there ASAP and give it a go


Thanks @leeheyes - working from home this week so lunchtimes and evening cramming sessions weather permitting
Would you know how to get the M2Z in to Atti mode?.. I’m guessing that’s what they’ll need to see in use

You don’t need to worry about that. You can’t force it into ATTI so the test allows for that and all the maneuvers are in normal P mode. If you can find someone that can let you fly atti with their drone it’s a useful skill to have though.

They’ll be looking for solid figure 8 flights at varying heights and distances, a square, your perception of height and distance along with the ability to bring it down in a spiral rather than straight down.

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They don’t NEED, ATTI mode.
Practice as much as you can. My tester wanted banked turns in my figure of 8 so luckily for me that’s how I had practiced.
Try to keep the nerves down and if you can go out before the test and do a practice flight just to help settle any nerves.
The testers are not there to fail you, they are there to make sure you are safe flying.

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