Photo uploads more than five

Hi there
Does anyone know kindly do you have to be an advanced member or something or use a different upload platform too upload more than five photos.
being able to upload just five is it a beginners thing or you maybe have to been a part of the club for so long , I’ve tried to look for an answer but can’t find one , cheers !!!

You can only upload 5 at once,

Add more once they have uploaded


You can only upload five at a time. I have requested that it be changed - for me at least :slight_smile:

Every second Saturday I have to upload the thumbnails into the RTF poll - the most contestants photos I had to process was 38. Bit of a pain and a good chance of missing one.

I think the restriction is there to prevent spamming or someone accidentally set a whole folder load of pictures to upload rather than one image they thought they had selected.


Of course the special one :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Thankyou for your reply’s , I was just curious , I have no intentions of bombarding the forum with useless photos btw it was only when I see some posts were there were more than 5 , thanks peeps for answering my questions , as I always say I appreciate all your help very much :+1:t2:

Its a global setting unfortunatly

:point_up: This

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While we’re on the subject of what comes out your camera / is this why we have to upload video to YouTube then paste the link ,
I did think to myself the other day and in a kinda way said to myself , when I’ve discussed something on here and you have to post your video or picture nightmare for instance Well as it’s became a topic or discussion on the forum you feel or I feel comftable with sharing the as said above but don’t really like the idea of putting a mess on YouTube that is seen by the public as crap as to where you guys know that it’s crap if that makes sense , if not don’t worry about it I’ll shut up :grinning: actually what would of been easier to say is a way to keep it only on the forum ….

Here you go

Upload it so it’s unlisted , only people with the link can then see it (like us if u share the link)

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I quite like the 5 limit. It makes people be a bit more selective in picking their best shots. Including me.

Hoping @macspite can get special dispensation though.

Yeah fives ok , I was more curious than anything as when I first came to GADC it always told me Max 5 etc , so I always wondered how people were managing to get more on .

Just to be clear, you can post many on the same post, just the maximum upload at any one time is 5.

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Cheers @milkmanchris , many thanks