Massive invasion of privacy, if he flies over my house I’m gonna shoot it down
Snapseed… give it a try, it’s free and fun. Oh and addictive .
Ha ha, the same people who demand their privacy and then put their whole lives online yearning for attention!!! Oh wait, that’s reality tv stars…
I remember when they first allowed you to tag places (I’m not that old honest!!) on google maps and it would be full of “sharon’s crib” or “jeffs pleasure palace”… Or is that just proving I live in a dodgy area?!!
I do remember a ‘lurches love shak’
Thankfully I was above my own property and I didn’t fly around, but I get the idea. Thanks all.
They asked me if I wanted to do the same thing with my business. It seems like a good idea at first but it’s like handing all your rights over to a third party who you don’t know, do t know where they are, and don’t know their core values.
I’m not old either but old enough to know what the internet was like in the beginning before dot com, before search engines, and before mass mind manipulation.
We had our first computer in 1981, a ZX81… Not too much longer and we were online in 1996 using Windows 95. 99 percent of WWW users only know the Facebook model of the web. Scrolling downwards in a fruit machine style (hypnotising) and harvesting your actions with bias algorithms that bring out folks deepest primal feelings and primative values.
With a laser pen directed at the sensors maybe
Get ready for some Flatard (flat earther) up in Scotland to claim that because of parallax and refraction, NASA , or reasons (?), you are invading his/her privacy, especially if the picture was taken with a Nikon P1000 which is the preferred scientific instrument of the Flatard Community.
Scotland ?? I thought ??tards could be anywhere??
Hehehe - yeah it did. After a few weeks my father did the upgrade and it all fitted into a plywood box! If you even bumped the desk it would crash the whole thing
Oh yeah I forgot about that. Lol
I upgraded to the spectrum 48 with the thermal printer. What a piece of crap that was. Took you ages to find the right buttons when you programming too many options per button.
10 PRINT Steve
20 GOTO 10
Snapseed it and remove the haze.
Because of parallax and refraction you are invading my privacy with that photo.
Please point the camera in opposite direction.
Simple answer and this applies to all photographs taken FROM a public place, as opposed to from private property.
You can photograph ANYTHING (unless it might have national security concerns, such as a nuclear power plant) and the photo belongs to you to do as you wish with, nobody can ask for it to be deleted, not even a police officer. You can take a photo of any private building or person, from a public place and they can’t object.
My old man made us stick with the ZX81 until about 88 when we had a comodore 64.
While the rest of our friends were playing Manic Miner on the Spectrum.
Chuckie Egg and Jet Set Willie too, classics
Ready player one.