Places to fly DJI FPV from Farnborough, Guildford, Basingstoke area?


A friend and I are planning a day a FPV day. I’ve checked out dronescene. There are some areas that I’ve seen

Given the DJI FPV is an exceptionally fast, wide open spaces are desired for reasons of safety. I’ll keep searching the forum and Googling. But besides what I’ve found so far & picking anyone else’s brains does anyone know of anything else suitable for the DJI FPV ?

Say a 25 - 30 mile radius of Farnborugh. Places like Basingstoke, Guildford, Andover, (maybe Reading), Bracknell etc

Thank you kindly!

Greenham Common bunkers but you’d have to ask security can you fly in there :+1:t2:

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Thank you @Tonymc
Will check it out

I have been to “Hawley lane country park”,
and found it very good for FPV

Hi @Ian37 it looks as though you’re quite new here :wave:t2:

Why not nip over to the Introductions page, and say hello properly and tell us a bit about yourself. :+1:t2: