Problems with Pano Stitching

OK - went off to Masca today - incredible little town only accessible via some perilous roads! No filters - but it was so bright, I struggled to find camera settings that didn’t seem to leave it washed out - BUT - you can see the difference in stitching. First was right off the SD card, the second, I tried to enhance the colours a little, reduce the brightness etc.

Just noticed a “join” in the second one… honestly, I much prefer the colour depth that the filters provide. I might try and take some with/without filters but from litchi, then try stictching with ice.

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Did you try Auto?

M2P does a great job in auto, I’ve never felt the need to play with manual on a pano.

Even with auto it looked really washed out…

just wading in here,

DISCLAIMER had a brief look at previous posts but not all so I appologise if I repeat anything. also don’t know on here who has a photography background and who doesn’t, saying that all -

@anon52324101 you said you are playing with camera settings, which ones or are you basically button bashing?

Do you know how ISO, shutter and aperture effect images, Also other settings like contrast (if contrast is set low can wash images out) which can be set before you shoot. Like ozone said reset all settings and presets and try again.

Filters, a must in bright light to allow you to get the settings right and have some adjustments, too much light will flood the sensor and push all the settings too high. Looks like you paid good money for the Freewell Filters but I haven’t used - Filters can effect colours dramatically but these can be adjusted in post if you have the right software.
I use Polar pros on my M2P and have great results. My ND4/PL almost lives on the drone at this time of year.

Stitching - I’m quite new to Panos but seem to be editing mine before I post because none are perfect. I’ve seen some of Ozones on Kuula and similar. I think if you look closely never going to be perfect straight out of drone.

Don’t know if any of this helps, if I can offer anything please ask, am photographer first / drone user second

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Thanks Lee, really appreciate the input :+1:

I followed some best practice guides online, mostly from Tech Drone Media.

Essentially I usually work in manual, have ISO to 100 if possible, Shutter a 1/25, aperture at circa 5 and essentially fiddle until I get the M.M as close to 0 as possible. White balance is usually set to cloudy but in Tenerife, I set to sunny.

Encoding set to H.265 and have grid, histogram and over exposure warning on usually.

With the right filter applied, I’ve usually been ok. But as @OzoneVibe has said, some of the colours are a bit off. The water in this clip looks green and this has happened more than once. I put it down to the fog and lighting on the day. I don’t mind the outcome but it’s a bit extra terrestrial :rofl:

This shot was taken yesterday. No filters, which suggests @milkmanchris, @callum and @OzoneVibe are right in their filterless approach but it seemed to take a while to be able to even see the screen and tweak the settings. Couldn’t have it on iso 100… I think it was 200 or maybe 400.

Compared with this pic, (with a ND64-PL), I think the colours still look washed

I think in conclusion, using filters with the M2P and default software for generating a pano, clearly causes issues. I’ll try and collect some material with Litchi and stitch in ICE as I did this previously and never had issues.

I have had 1x heavy landing since then when the sensors failed due to heavy fog, but I’m reluctant to try and blame this on hardware yet!

Thanks again for the help guys. I really like panos!

So if you couldn’t manage iso100 without a filter you’d have had no chance with one on :wink:

Glad of be of help

The last pic was at 100iso… What am I missing?

What is your colour scheme set to?

Your shooting H.265 so normal, D-log M or HLG?

Currently set to ‘none’

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In H.265 I get normal, HLG and DLOG-M

In H.264 I only get normal or could be none.

Was just checking you weren’t filming in log format.

With bright sunny days, in my opinion, n filters are a must. I wouldn’t use a polarising one for panos but I would for single shot picture

hey lozzer

I reckon you should see if you can try a different set of filters! They shouldn’t alter the colours just darken allowing you to go to a slower shutter speed. I have used filters on my DSLR that altered colours, got rid of them.

ISO - yes the lower the better but to be honest with the quality of the M2P hasselblad sensor 800 is still great quality so if shooting stills I would prefer to bump to a faster shutter speed and higher iso.

I prefer to shoot stills at no less than 1/125 faster the better,

If you were using a handheld camera you cannot hold still at less than 1/125 the images come out shakey, so why should a small drone be any better.

Thanks Lee… If I’m confirmed as winning the birthday treasure hunt, the prize money is defo going on a new set of filters! Need to research such ones :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Now I’m back in Blighty, I’m going to try and get out have a play with a wider range of settings and shutter speeds. Thanks so much for the advice, very grateful :+1:

Get those filters!!
Go big :rofl::rofl:

Suggestions for an M2P filter set most welcome :rofl:

I’m using Skyreats, not had any problems with them.


These are the options on the Hobby Mount website

Are you buying them a gift for someone? :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

I’ll go with you @kvetner on that one !.
Cannot fault Skyreat.