Query regarding a potential client

Hi after I have successfully completed my PfCO course with Phantom Flight School I have a potential client in the pipe line however I would like your thoughts on it in terms of flying the location is: 9 Marylebone Lane in London

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Yeah, good luck with that one!

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With what?

Seems like a tricky location. What’s the brief?

I know it’s tempting and your first client, but that’s a tricky job Alex! Congested area, London flight restriction zones, schools, public not under your control etc…

Maybe not impossible with correct permissions and consent but def not a nice first job.

Were it me, I’d walk away. But do your research and make up your own mind I guess.

Good luck!


The drone footage that we are hoping to commission is for 9 Marylebone Lane. The route that we want to capture is the same that is shown in the animation on our website:


This specific route is important as it shows that the building is a strange, complicated shape when you see it up close, but when viewed from Stratford Place (the position that the animation ends at) the building resolves itself as a simple, rectilinear volume above the listed building.

It was quite a complicated design feat to achieve this perspectival trick which is why we want to show it through drone footage.

Would you be able to show the animation to Alex and see if he thinks it is possible to capture?

It is obviously a pretty central location so not sure what sort of licences or permissions would be necessary? Location is here:

If a route over the buildings is not possible, then an alternative would just be a directly vertical route from Stratford Place, which would still show that is looks like a simple building from the street but is more complicated when viewed from above.


It’s certainly an interesting brief! And you’ve prob got us all thinking “can it be done!?” :wink:

God, the research and permission work alone would run into thousands

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I reckon a long, diligent recce is needed to get any idea of feasibility.
Telephone wires, etc. Could be an issue you’ll never see on Google Maps.
It’s almost mid summer … very early morning might be worth considering if detailed site assessment looks like it could be done. Almost no people/traffic about at 5am.


They want it done in day time

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Its light at 5:15am now … I discovered yesterday. :wink:

Yes but the potential client also wants to come with me

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In fact, sunrise was 5am today.

Haha! He might need to get up early, then. :+1:


I’d start with big problems first. Go over the following:

Air traffic restrictions and permissions for central London. If you can’t pass this hurdle, give up. I’d def get ATC approval due to air ambulances.

Then do permissions on buildings and people. Where can you take off and how to stay 50m from them or how to get consents etc. If too hard, give up!

Then flight plans and risk assessments etc


Hmmm okay I see where you are coming from and totally agree


Good advise there, from Glenn / @Longstride … who has PfCO …. although he tends to use his out in the middle of the Scottish wilderness …. :wink:

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Glenn is more to be seen in this environment : 3D Mapping and Deer Surveys in Scotland than the city when he’s using using his PfCO. :wink:


Far easier on the risk assessments and permissions!!! One huge land owner, TICK!


Is it worth passing the job to someone experienced on the caviat you can shadow them to gain experience