RaceGOW - 2!

Well digital for tiny whoops, only real choice is HDZero. The 2024 mob6 eco, good choice for that. Definitely get ELRS in 2024.

Problem with the Zorro is battery life. I’ve not charged my TX16S since starting racegow weeks ago, and believe the boxer or jumper T20 have decent batteries too

Thank you some good tips for me to research :+1:

I’ve got an Eco kit sitting on my desk. Hoping to build up a new 65mm on Thursday.

Yeah, the battery is the big downer with the Zorro. I don’t usually get to fly for more than 30 minutes at a time, but if you were setting off for a full day of flying you’d need several sets of spare batteries. A crap design choice by Radiomaster really tbh. That’s why I think the Boxer is better. Also limited power by comparison, although that bothers me less.

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You can always upgrade the module. I think mines 250 and tbh way outlasts video. It’s ancient lol.

30 minutes? That’s bonkers I can go weeks if not months between charges. Great radio ruined by the battery!

Live stream at 20:00!!

Hopefully live


Well, if you’re mad, you could run a DJI Avata around it, but who’d do that whilst they bored off of work this week, with crap weather so no outdoor flying?!

Did 4 laps before I got bored, and decided not to go any better, there are the best 3 of the 4! What lovely video quality compared to the analogues…

Longer to do one lap than it’s taking me to do 3.5/4 on the whoop! lol!

(Sorry about the legs, I just got back from a run!)


When I’m watching the real fast guys I often turn playback down to quarter speed.
So I just went the other way with this and watched it at double speed - it was great!

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Final submission for track 4. Loved the flow of this one and fit in my lounge without moving stuff. Actually was from 3 laps when I live streamed after a few beers…beers helps it seems…

And my track 5 submission. It’ll all be over in two weeks!

Tring out a “slightly better than analogue” quad… No battery life, icons sometimes appear if it can be bothered, and BOY is it hot!


Nice runs :clap:

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This is why HDZero pilots are the fastest - if you slow down your VTX goes on fire! :smile:

(said with love as a die-hard HDZ junkie!)

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Hahah, some truth to that! Boy was it hot!

Actually flew out the remaining packs Sunday night with the Analogue one, and within 2 packs was more or less at the HDZero lap times! If had done the packs I did on the HDZero one with analogue I reckon would have set a faster 3!

Won’t be switching up on the larger quads/planes, though have 2 larger VTXs for HDZero


Well let’s grind the last track… Lovely way to spend a Sunday evening. Join me lol

And that’s a wrap… Enjoyed the tracks. Not happy to organiser is still MIA since track 3/4 (he did 3, and gone bye bye!) Fingers crossed he sorts the 2nd half out!

My lounge can once again be mine!


Sub 10 on all 3 laps… nicely done!

So, on the last track, in the last few hours of the last day of the extended deadline I finally managed to get an entry in! :laughing:

Needless to say, I’m still finishing up my morning cup of tea as you’re completing lap 3! But it’s still good to have got at least one entry in , even if it’s quite… “sedate”!


Heh great one! Well it’s only a second or two slower. I’ve just watched EEdoks, and AayKays ones… yeah… well they another league!

Been a lot of fun, and it’s well improved my skills. We just can’t compete with these Americans with all that spare in their basements! Walls… I’m impressed with the space (or lack of) you had there!

My lounge starting to look like a lounge again!

And just noticed… ACRO/AIR… Nice one! Maybe next season for that one (if Skittles hasn’t vanished forever!)

Ha, thanks! Yeah, the American basement-the-size-of-an-aircraft-hanger thing is just bonkers!
When I did bits of IGOW last year it was mostly outside, but with RaceGOW I really hadn’t thought through the fact it’s loads earlier in the year. Outdoor whooping in February in the UK not really a thing it turns out! :smile: I only got this entry in because my other half was away and so I could strip out our back room.
So I ended up flying a couple of the courses a fair bit in the sim (although I’m still confused why flying a whoop in Velocidrone seems to be harder than real life!)

Totally agree about improved skills. But what I’ve mostly discovered is that I’m really, really inconsistent. I can actually fly individual laps a load quicker, but I can’t put them together. I probably flew 50 packs on this course, but only completed 3 good laps a handful of times. Not sure if that’s concentration, muscle memory, or what… but it’s interesting (and frustrating!) to know.

The other thing I discovered is that this whoop flies a ton better on Quicksilver - first time I’d tried it, and I was really surprised at the difference.

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Had exactly the same experience!

Yes. If I slow down a little I’m OK, but as soon as speed it up. Actually think this track was the 3 laps cloest together in time, was pleased with that, despite getting a few sub 9s…

Keep meaning to give that a go. I would have done a few more attempts, but the GND wire disconnected from the battery connector (as the +ve had done last week), and I CBA to get the iron out at that point. Happymodel… improve your soldering skills please :wink:

Quicksilver is great for whoops. Newer versions of BF have some of the features that QS brings to the table but with QS it is without the extra bloat.