Iv just removed the above from a quad Iv brought looking at the pics and the little I know should I not have a ground cable in there ???..
Im having a problem linking my controller to the FC could this be the reason why ???
Iv gone through the diagram for it but not understanding this part …( If using DJI remote control, turn on UART4 RX and turn off [‘ART? RX, Set the receiver protocol to SBUS )
Sbus to rx4 is also fine. I assume its an F7 FC? The inversion can be done in the microcontroller if so. No need for an external inverter and an external sbus pad.
I hear you here Steve now iv gave some more thought, the green light on my Dji controller only means its connected to the vista. therefore Im not 100% now its connected to the FC.
I might reflash the FC and see if that makes a difference, dont think it will do it any harm, just updating the FC…
All sorted thanks Steve, the problem was what you said above, my fault as I had visual on Uart 4 hence couldnt workout why I couldnt get controls side working
Everyday is a school day thanks again buddy Ill be taking this little badboy on holiday next week