Request for advice on FPV Sim vs Real Drone

HI Again,

Following the detailed advice on this thread:-

I can now just about fly, using FPV Freerider Recharged. Proof:-

FPV Freerider Recharged - Google Search.
Using a RadioMaster t8 Lite as the controller. (Although knowing I was recording it meant I was not as smooth)

More advice sought:-

  • As I found Sims like FPV.Skydive to be hard to fly stable, can a real drone be made to act close to FPV Freerider ?
  • I have done successful racing laps on FPV Freerider and rolls, flip and orbits. Do both clockwise and anti-clockwise - any other things to practice ?


[I am trying to see if I can get to the big meet…, long shot at the moment - distance and timing]

Relevant other threads:-
So you want to fly FPV? -
Freerider Simulator Freerider by @notveryprettyboy
VIDEO: Practicing FPV on my PC simulator VIDEO: Practicing FPV on my PC simulator

I don’t think any sim is close to real life. But the rates and throttle curves can mimic it a way.
Velocidrone has a betaflight setup to try and match real life, but its not perfect.

Try these…

I’ve not used skydive (there’s a sim I don’t have?!), but they really DO help you fly for real. Throttle I think is the hardest thing to grasp when you start off, flying just at a steady height. Sounds like you’ve mastered a lot of the basics, so that’s good, and from the video I’d let you fly one of mine tbh! Keep at it!

Be good if you got there for one day at least. Sure can give you tips and pointers! Don’t try to hover, it’s actually blinking hard in Acro!!

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Yeah, looks like you have the basics down pat.

The shock will be when you first take off and realise its for real. There’ll be an initial “oh-shit” moment… then the muscle memory from your sim flights will kick in.

Fly around a bit gently for real and you’ll get the feel for the quad. It WILL be a different feel from flying in the sim. Even if its a difference made up in your head. You know that the sim quad will not break if you crash. You know that your real quad will, or will get stuck in a tree, etc. This makes things feel different to you, even if they’re actually not. It’s completely in your head.

The really hard bit then is actually landing nicely. Not crashing somewhere near you, or quite possibly cartwheeling across the field, etc…

A sim can’t really prepare you completely for what it’s like, but it’s a good start.

JB has a good livestream clip about Sim realism.


And it’s not one you practise in a sim… who wants to spend fly time landing?

Though saying that, I did have a 15 minutes landing practise session once when realised I was pretty poor at it. I’m “OK” at that now!

Speaking of which, anyone have the wings simulator and can you practise landing in that?!


Any flight sim…

I actually got this web based one working with my Jumper-T Lite controller, HDZero goggles AND headtracking…

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Yeah I watched that the other day, (watched a lot of him this week, lovely painless, makes a change from Bardwell on the quads). Landing practise isn’t mentioned… I need it as you all well aware, lol! Before I maiden at weekend ideally… Hmmmm £30 quids… cheaper than a neb pro… ergh. Money sink this hobby!

The best way is fly an approach, then pull up just before landing, circle round and approach again.
By the time you’ve done that a few times you’ll be itching to land it.

Remember @notveryprettyboy advice at the weekend, line it up, kill the throttle at 100 yards out and just glide it in (make sure on a plane/wing AIRMODE is always on)
At the last moment before touch down pitch the nose up slightly so tail lands first, reduces possiblity of damage.

You’ll soon master it :smiley:

Yeah think it’s stall speed need to know and being more aware of wind direction if any (into wind if possible, etc, etc)… I did a few though, inc the wing wing :slight_smile:

Yer, you did OK :clap:

you learn that when flying, get some height, back off the throttle, wait for a wing to dip, that’s the stall speed, throttle up and pull out

You find that out when you takeoff :smile:

Wow - generous offer. Thanks for the confidence boost.

Hovering is ok, as long as I not think about it too much. Cornering with curve I want is a struggle, I appear to make not able to do it clockwise, only anti-clockwise. Practice, Practice, Practice.

Thanks for the tips and the video link, informative.
Payday awaits a purchase.

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