RTF Competition March 31st to April 13th 2024 - Industry - Winners Announced

All this voting for subjects and for your favourite pictures should stand you in good stead for the local government elections that are happening In just over a month’s time. :ballot_box: :ballot_box_with_check:

As your returning officers we are pleased to announce the results of the ballot for the subject for the RTF Competition for the 31st of March until the 13th of April:

Tunnels 21% of the vote

Industry 52% of the vote

Dronie 27% of the vote

We therefore declare Industry the winner and it will serve as the subject for the RTF Competition from 00:01 on Sunday 31st March until 23:00 on Saturday 13th April


The requirement is to submit a still image created using a drone to illustrate the subject of the competition. This round will run from 00:01 Sunday 31st of March to 23:00 Saturday, April 13th 2024 and the subject is Industry

The image must be captured during the time that the competition is open. It is a Reason To Fly competition so please show that the image is created by a flying camera!

Editing is confined to colour and exposure adjustments and crop only. There must be no removal or pasting of an object.

Please post only one image, the image you wish to be judged, in this thread.

Images must be posted with the following information as a minimum:

In Capitals as the first line of your post:


If this is not done at the time of posting the picture will be ignored. Should it be absolutely necessary to change your picture then delete the previous picture and add “This is my entry” - as above - as the first line of your new post. If in any doubt contact the Challenges Committee

Further Information is required

  • Location
  • Time and date
  • Aircraft/camera used
  • Feel free to add any further information that you think will be of interest


Images will be judged by the members of GADC who may vote for any number of images by means of an anonymous poll open for two days after the closing date for competition entries.

Voting in the poll is open to all GADC members, whether they have entered the competition or not.

You may vote for one, all, some or none of the entries.

The original media may be requested by the judges in case of a dispute.


The competition subject will be announced every second Saturday around 22:30. The subject will be chosen by a poll of GADC members selecting from three that have been picked at random from the subject list. You may make additions to the list at any time.

The competition will run from Sunday 00.01 to Saturday 23.00 fourteen days later. Voting by poll will be open for a further two days until Monday 22:00

The winner, second and third-placed competitors will be announced shortly after the vote is closed

Have Fun! Be Safe!

All flights are the sole responsibility of the individual conducting them. Each competitor must abide by the drone code and adhere to the limitations and restrictions imposed upon them by aviation law, the aircraft being used and the qualifications they hold. First to notice this inserted sentence and notify us by DM will receive a special congratulation at the end of the competition. Landowners’ wishes and permissions must be respected. If a flight is undertaken in a restricted zone proof of permission having been granted is required.




Alastair @MrOtter, please note the image must be captured within the competition window.


Ineos Petrochemical Plant - Grangemouth
Taken on 31st March at 14:10 with Air 2
And then truely mangled and HDR’d out of all recognition


Hi Alistairand welcome to the RTF competition

Unfortunately Chris @clinkadink is correct. Entries do have to be taken during the time the competition is open.

It seems that, like so many, your welcome enthusiasm has led you to post an image before fully reading the rules. No problem. We will disregard your ipicture for competition purposes. You still have most of the fortnight to find something else, possibly even better, to photograph. We look forward to seeing your next image :slight_smile:

Excellent! Almost like an AI illustration. And plenty of space at the bottom for the title to be overlaid … :slight_smile:

yeah my crop was a little loose but I didn’t like the end result of the tighter version. Perhaps I should have cropped to leave as much grass as there is sky? Bring some balance possibly? But then again, it’s been f***k3d over by snapseed so I don’t suppose it really matters :rofl: As for the title overlay? Can’t really do that as it would be “adding” an element/object, would it not? :thinking:

I think the grass in the foreground helps. It places the Grangemouth complex in context. As for title placement i wasn’t suggesting that you put anything there, it was just an observation for use for an RTF header. Maybe you could find whichever poor overworked drudge has to produce the illustrations for each RTF subject and give them a hand … :slight_smile:

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Bestwood Colliery winding engine, Bestwood country Park- Nottingham
Taken 01/04/24 at 15.15
Air 3



Scarborough Harbour 7.45am 4th April, DJI mini SE, 20m altitude. Not much left of the fishing industry so half a dozen boats and a small crane is all you get these days.



South Humber Bank Power Station is a 1,365 MW gas-fired power station on South Marsh Road in North East Lincolnshire north of Healing and the A180 near the South Marsh Road Industrial Estate. It is around two miles east of Immingham, and employs 64 people. Building was completed Jan 1999

Taken 1724 8th April 2024 DJI Mini4 Pro



Victrex Plc polymer plant, Hillhouse, Thornton.

DJI Air2, 20:29 12/04/24

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Rolls Royce Marble Hall, on Nightingale Road Derby
Taken 13th April at 15:10 with my DJI Mini 3 Pro
The Marble Hall was constructed in 1912 and the original factory behind ( now demolished) was used to produce the Rolls Royce Silver Ghost. During the First World War, the site produced aeroplane engines and during WW2 helped produce the famous Merlin engines that powered the Spitfire amongst other aircraft.

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Six of the best!

But your task is to select the best of the best - vote for one, some, all or none - and do so before the poll closes at 22:00 on Monday 15th April.


We had hoped for a few more contestants; we had hoped you might be more industrious but we accept that the British weather played its part in stifling productivity. The meteorological extremes we seem to be suffering more frequently, climate change, is in part caused by (ironically) industry :slight_smile: At least your taking the pictures produced little pollution to add to the problem …

I’ve had time to wax philosophical as I got called into work early to cover for absentees in the Fast and Furious Fun and Friendly Edit Competition department and to set up their poll. I’ve been waiting around in an almost deserted ChallCom for the last few hours so felt I had time to pen this before the poll results for RTF came in.

And here they are!

In third place is an image of a sadly declining Yorkshire fishing industry, Hamish @hharron pictured the empty quay and the few boats left in Scarborough. Sadly, seaside tourism seems also in decline around Britain …

But also in third place is Martin @MartG1960 with a picture of the Victrex polymer plant l lighting up the night in Thornton Clevelys, north of Blackpool

And in the third third place - yes we have a three-way tie (and I’m due some overtime for all this typing) - another industry that has declined, or at least changed - the building fronting the original, demolished Rolls-Royce factory which for many years produced world-class aero engines which, amongst other achievements, helped win two World Wars. An evocative photo from John @JockyB

In second place is a picture from Shaun @sdj_drones of a part of the tourist industry, the attraction that is Bestwood Colliery winding engine, once the above-ground indication of the proud mining industry beneath - Bestwood Colliery was soon to become the first mine in world to produce 1 million tons of coal in a 12 month period.

And now the winner of this round of RTF - John @john768 - who regular competitors will know as a regular winner. This time the image is of the gas-fired power plant a couple of miles to the east of Immingham. Is this another technology that, like coal, will be relegated to the history books if and when clean renewable energy sources are in full operation?

Well done to everyonefor entering, well done to our winners and a special thanks to Darren @mynameisjoe for his creative renaming of the *.jpg that formed his entry. The RTF IT monkeys will have to replace my coffee soaked keyboard first thing tomorrow!



Well done everyone. I’ll take a 3 way 3rd place anyday. I’m happy to get a shot in at all with so much wind ans a mini SE! Bring on the night shots.

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Happy with my =third spot, and well done John the winner :+1::+1::+1:

Congratulations John great photo :clap:t2::clap:t2:

Thanks to all that voted

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Well done John and to everyone who managed to get out to take a photo. :+1:

You’re welcome :rofl:

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