Welcome to the new home for the Reason To Fly Photo and Video Competition which is now being run by the Challenges Committee. Watch this #challenges category for exciting news about other competitions and some RTF specials!
The next RTF competition will run from Saturday August 1st to Sturday August 14th but we need you to choose the subject:
Please vote for one of the following three:
If nature is chosen please be careful folks any incidents with wildlife will result in bad press …Alan
Thanks for pointing that out Alan.
“Nature” covers a broad spectrum of scenarios, not just animal life as depicted in the photograph. We expect all the potential contestants to be aware of the need for caution, especially if flying near nature reserves or SSSIs. Overflying them, in the majority of instances, requires permission from the organisation controlling the land.
If the subject IS chosen we will ensure that your advice is included in the opening post.
We have a tie!
Both Symmetry and Nature scored 37 percent, the first time this has happened in RTF history!
So the Challenges Committee deliberated long and hard through the night and eventually decided
We will run both!