RTF Runners Up Advent Calendar

Tuesday, December 20h

October brought the subject of Construction to the fore with @evilbuttchimp taking a qiuick FPV spin around the Martello Lake development in Hythe. Thanks for the thrill ride, Richard!

Construction - YouTube

Wednesday, December 21st

The Randomizer™ threw up three suggestions from the pool of subjects you have created. (You can add suggestions here)

The one that had been previously used as a competition subject was selected again in the members’ poll. So Moving Water was on the menu again. We harvested a fine crop of pictures including this low-key second place shot by @JoeC of the Dalcairney Falls, South Ayrshire:

Thursday, December 22nd

Water seems to be a favourite element of an image for our photographers, this time it was canals that formed the chosen subject and we had two photographers tied for third place - @Acedrone - an exa,mple of whose work we have already seen on Wednesday, December 7th. His fellow third place competitor was @Kirky but we aren’t showing his picture either - because @Kirky - Richard also bagged second place with this shot of the Kennett and Avon Canal at Kintbury!

Friday, December 23rd

We had a bumper crop of entries for our penultimate competition of 2022 - 38 images to illustrate the subject of “Abstract”. This resulted in a tied first place and a tied third place. And one of the third places was @D0c.Col with this colourful shot of Ingestre Park Golf Club:

Saturday, December 24th

Christmas Eve and this is where it all unravels. We had hoped to find 25 different and individual photographers who had been runners-up in the 2022 RTF Competitions. We managed 23.

So what now? We have a competition currently running - Churches - ending on New Year’s Eve, we have a calendar competition running the whole year but the first subject, December, logically finishes at the end of December - New Year’s Eve again! So we have the potential for some new runners-up but can’t predict who at this point in time, even if it were fair to do so.

The 2022 Fundamental Colour Challenge was the first of those brusque competitions that shouldered the RTF to one side and claimed centre stage for themselves so we have decided to see if anyone who hasn’t been an RTF runner-up was a runner-up in that instead.

Step forward @markas and @kvetner who were third and second in the Green category:

There was a tie in the grey category for second place between @BadManners:

and @hharron

star map - YouTube

Our sole not-previously-mentioned runner-up in the Pink category was @rustybarnet with this great shot:

So, having dug ourselves out of the hole we had made ourselves, what on earth can we do to bring you the ultimate advent calendar picture tomorrow?


Thanks @Challenges_Committee, that was a brilliant selection and a great advent calendar. Way better than mine this year (and that’s saying a lot since it was 24 little pots of Bonne Maman jam).

Merry Christmas :christmas_tree: :santa:

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Christmas Day, December 25th,2022

First - very happy Christmas to everyone and best wishes for a 2023 that brings a bit more cheer than 2022 has :slight_smile:

Congratulations to all our runners up: @RichGBiscuit, @CSB73, @John768, @datamandan, @Ximi, @Acedrone, @msgyorkie, @GavinNewcombe, @Sandbagger, @Drumsagard, @Clinkadink, @stevesb, @Bobbysmile, @firstadekit, @Dakin, @Dorje, @DroneGeek, @Crackerjack, @evilbuttchimp, @mynameisjoe, @JoeC, @Kirky, @Kings, @Rustybarnet, @hharron, @markas, @kvetner and @BadManners

How can you join this pantheon of greats in 2023? Keep fully informed by joining @group-challenges which will let you know when competitions are starting, when to vote and when the winners are announced. Go out, take pictures, select the best one and post it in the competition thread.

Keep taking pictures. Which golfer was it who said “Yes, I’m lucky. The more I practice, the luckier I get”? And have fun while you are practising or crafting competition entries!

If the RTF doesn’t yet appeal there are various other long-running, one-off or annual challenges to compete in. The Fun and Friendly Edit Competition, the exacting Birthday Challenge and Treasure Hunt, Burns’ Month, The Colour Challenge, the ongoing Calendar Competition and the FPV Trick Competition. And the recently announced 5x5 which already has a longer comments thread than the Birthday Challenge !

Watch out for announcements or check past rounds of the comps in the Challenges category. If you think of anything that might make a good competition - let us know. If you think of anything that could be improved - let us know. If there are subjects you think would make good RTF components in the future - let us know. Just message us @Challenges_Committee or, for RTF subjects, add to the list here

Reader’s voice = “They don’t 'arf like the sound of their own voices! Let’s 'ave sum pikchewers!”

Ok, but we don’t have pictures of all our runners-up. For some reason GADC members are quite timid creatures, not often encountered in the wild though here are some candid shots of a group, gathered together for protection but somewhat emboldened by numbers,

It’s the 2022 Big Meet, held in a great big field on a quiet farm near Corby between 10-12th June. One RTF member managed to wheedle the time off to attend and was entranced at meeting the great and the good, the FPV’ers and the photographers - and Chris Lambourne!

FPV is a very serious affair

Picking newly ripened FPV quads from the CineWhoops tree

@clinkadink spent most of his time on site retrieving his aircraft from vegetation …

This video and the one below are self-explanatory - both courtesy of @Yith - thanks, Richard!

"You haven’t got any pictures of me wearing the pink tutu of shame … "
“Is that right Chris?” (courtesy @Njoro )

The tutu, awarded for FPV cock-ups, changed hands many times during the weekend

Sunset on Saturday night ( @Howard78 )

And another sunset by @Sparkyws

Lastly, chat and food by the campfire

The venue(s) and organiser(s) for the 2023 Big Meet(s) are still to be announced. All help is gratefully received, either details of potential locations (camping and flying space, easily accessible) or volunteers to help with the running.

Let’s all meet up for 2023, it would be great to put faces to names and to have the chance to chat at length rather than to communicate via short, typed messages!

Finally, from all involved in the RTF Competitions and on behalf of the entire staff of Chall Com HQ, we repeat: have a very happy Christmas, a healthy and prosperous New Year and enjoy the competitions in 2023

The RTF experimental department conducting subject feasibility studies.



Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year to you and all GADC members out their doing their stuff… and the answer is the man in black… Gary Player.


At least I escaped having my photo taken with the pink tutu!

Not sure who’s drone I crashed anyway :joy:

Great idea for a 2023 meet up.
Merry Christmas all.

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A big thanks to all the members, all their photos, videos laughs and advice. This place helps keep me sane, provides me with inspiration and gives me a reason to get off my lazy ass and get outside. The best forum I have been part of, by a long stretch.
And that of course is also due to the tireless efforts of those behind the scenes who keep this place ticking over for us all to enjoy, so a massive thank you to the mods in:

@Challenges_Committee for organising all the challenges and sorting out our petty squables.

And of course we can’t forget this lot, without whom this place wouldn’t exist!
@PingSpike @milkmanchris @OzoneVibe @callum

Looking forward to the challenges in the year ahead

:clap: :clap: :clap: