Runcam Thumb Pro

I’ve just updated my Runcam APP and they have included a Thumb Pro in the library.

Could be interesting competition to the 360Go2 and the Peanut.


ooo looks nice… 4K I assume.

Interesting a search brought up this… which looks to be a different camera with the same name…

Ah that one I linked to is someone’s 3d printed case for the original that adds a battery and charger port.

Looking at the setup options in the App it has a max resolution of 4K@30FPS, 2.7K and 1.4K @60fps, and 1080p@120 and 60fps, manual shutter speed from 1/30sec to 1/240sec, ISO range of 100 to 3200, etc.



RunCam_Thumb_Pro_Manual_EN.pdf (3.7 MB)

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Screen Shot 2022-07-11 at 16.51.34

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Lets hope it’s more reliable than the original thumb… Really struggle to get that to record at times. TBH with the split issues, and now the thumb… Ergh!

Interesting find, and interesting other than app and manual nothing out there I can find anyways!

And some firmware for good measure :slight_smile:

RunCam ThumbPro (777 Bytes)

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I hope they used a higher-quality SD card connector on this one. The one on the original is terrible and I suspect is the reason for a lot of the failures.

I’ve had my thumb close to 2 months and it hasn’t failed with anything. The trick is not to take it out of the box.

I really do need to start getting out again.

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Who’s selling it ???

OK, so I’m missing something?
If there is a profile for a PRO version of the Thumb then surely there must be some hardware?
Checked all the usual RunCam distributors but can’t find it.
Nothing on RunCam own website

:thinking: :thinking:

It’s a leak, it hasn’t been released yet Steve :shushing_face:

Ah… thanks Rich :smiley:

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Is it a leak when runcam have actually updated the app. Very strange nothing out there about it and they updated their website. It’ll be south of 100 quid I’d imagine. The thumb is 50ish?

Botgrinder will be publishing his review to the masses later today, he’s already shown it to his Patreon base hence the comments.

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Just watched that… Never watched Botgrinder before… Sooo ummm no comment on that.

Video quality looked OK, and also he said they fixed the crap SD card holder/slider.

On the runcam store now

He’s an experience everyone in FPV must try at least once…

His live streams are amazing… lol