Saving a waypoint while flying

This should be simple but I can’t see how to do it. I am only using DJIgo4 and don’t have litchi yet

I have had a look through various topics, litchi faqs and others but can’t see it for looking can anyone help

How do you save a waypoint where the drone actually is?

I have a recce to do to find a spot to shoot from on a different day and when I find it record the waypoint


There’s a few YTs if you search “Mavic 2 Pro Waypoints” … eg.:

looked through a load but they all focus on pre planning

is there an easy way to record a waypoint when the drone is flying, dji04 says you need a minimum of 3

I just need to record one specific place for multiple flights, do you know if its possibe and if so how?

happy to get litchi this week if it is

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In Litchi, a mission needs a minimum of 2 waypoints.

But, this is no bad thing since a first one above take-off to clear trees/buildings prevents the risk of it straight-lining from take-off to the desired waypoint.

You can pre-set camera heading and pitch at the waypoint, too.

AND … you can plan it, in advance, from your computer on a large screen rather than a small phone/tablet … and then fly the same one as may times as you want.

(I’m not recommending flying to a point 30m above the centre of Southampton Airport runway … :wink: )

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Oh - and coming back to your question ….

Yes - you can create them whilst flying - at the position of the drone - but you still need a minimum of two to be able to save them. :wink:

At the moment I can#t plan the flight as I don’t know the spot i want to shoot at

When I find the right spot i want to record that spot along with camera and gimble info. so it can be revisited later

the example above did you record those while flying or pre plan?

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The above was pre-planned.

But you can fly and save waypoints as you go, and the camera heading and gimbal pitch is recorded with the WP position, and drone height, info.

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Actually - I have something in mind where I’ll be doing just that - a very tricky bit of flying between “things” … which I will fly slowly, record WPs as I go - and save the mission.
Then I’ll open the mission on the laptop, to make some smoothing tweaks to it, before saving (it syncs automatically to your device) and then fly it … slowly at first, then faster. :wink:

When you find the spot you want, just take a photo.

The EXIF will contain lat/lng, probably altitude, etc.

I doubt it captures gimbal directional information though.

With Litchi - if you save a waypoint at that point - it does save all that info.

You have to be in WP mode, without running a mission, and just fly manually to the location and add a WP - then save the WPs you’ve created as a mission.

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litchi it is then

thanks guys