The above-said drone has only ever been flown for a few hours around my back garden, I found this drone so hard to control I gave up with it & never looked at another drone until lockdown 2020, bought Mavic Air 1. Anyway, the parrot is collecting dust above a wardrobe, it’s in a case 6 battery including 2 extra-large batteries if I remember correctly-Still have the box it came in as well.
Can I please ask is it worth selling this drone ?
What is a drone this old worth if anything
There are a couple on eBay looking for £79-£99. Don’t know if they will sell mind you
Look at the recently “sold” items on eBay, you’ll find your answer there
You know the way my head is at the moment I never thought of looking for a sold or to be sold page,
Thanks, I just did not think of doing research on this subject, I’m not running 100% at moment just out of the hospital, thanks again
Is it a bebop 1 or 2?
Is it just the drone or do you have a sky controller?
If the bebop 1 on its own I’d say £50-£100 at best.
bebop sky controller. 6 batts ( I think ) all it came with I have & then I bought the sky controller in matching colours. Large square back pack for the drone and all parts. I’ll take some pictures kick a few mins plus drone
@PhilipM if you’re looking to sell it here, please read this first: Rules for posting in the For Sale & Wanted category
To be totally honest I don’t know what to ask for it, I did not think anybody would be interested in buying a drone of its age but pretty much not used at all. I thought my disability was the problem, not the drone or the controller, I can fly the drone I have now very well but drone have come on a lot since I bought the Parrot Bebop drone
If this post offends anybody of not deemed fit where the post is then delete it/move it whatever, I do not post very much but do read a lot on here, as far as I know, I am a full member.
I live in Rhyl, North Wales
As above: