Sell Mini 2 and wait for Mini 3 or keep mini 2

Which obstacle avoidance REALLY helps with :wink:

Not intentionally but having got too close to a tree and lost it then yes it’s a big win …

Yes that’s a slight downside compared with the mavic 2 however I am thinking of maybe selling my mavic 2 zoom and get a mini - thoughts? Oh and the reason why I am thinking about it is because I live right in the middle of London

Everyone’s thoughts are in this thread Alex, scroll up and take a read.

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Wait until November and buy the Autel nano … :joy:

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I was going to wait for Mini 3 but then this popped up in my alerts.

You’d be better off spending the extra and getting the mini 2 surely? :man_shrugging:t2:


Sorry, I meant to add it would be a good second drone at that price

Keep the Mini 2 - it’s fantastic!

Agree with the consensus of the thread - waiting for DJI new models is an interesting hobby! I bought the Phantom 4 in 2017. The Phantom 5 was promised for years, pictures and specs even appeared in the press, the Phantom 4 production was ended… then … Phantom 4 production was re-started again - a change of heart from our DJI friends… the 5 would be next year… but it wasn’t. Now there is no Phantom at all (I think) and DJI are concentrating on the Mavic range. Anyway - sold my P4, bought a Mini2 (last week) it really delivers (for a ‘C0’ drone). So personally I would never wait for DJI to issue a new model as it may never come. If the model that exists and can be bought fits your requirements and budget then go for it and enjoy it. (My P4 lasted 5 years and owed me nothing). Have fun!

Even though It isn’t :wink:

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Thanks for your reply Chris - this was why ‘C0’ was in quotes… as we know there are no available CE marked devices available yet :frowning: (or will we now be getting UK marked devices…?) but the Mini 2 and other sub 250g UAVs (unless CAA change their mind in the next year) will at least still be usable for A1 category after Jan 2023 when everything else on the market goes to A3… at least that is my understanding.

I have the image below laminated and in my bag in case any member of public or officials wonder why I am flying where I am allowed to …

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(Class Marks)

That’s the $64,000 question…

We’re starting to see fake UKCA labelled drones already :confused:


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