Sheep dog

We use a drone for checking livestock gates etc on small farm ,it saves hours of walking over rough ground when you reach a certain age .As a side note it also rounds up our sheep and puts them into a pen easily and you dont need to get close either they naturaly go in the direction you require them to go so an avid drone user and think its a wonderful tool to use as well as viewing our wonderful land and places you dont see from the ground

Video ?

Will upload one in due course we dont normally film whilst working our stock as your busy manovering drone not doing videos ,work is work

No worries, doesn’t need to be artistic edit, just interested to see :dog: :sheep: :sheep: :sheep: :sheep: :sheep: :sheep:

I should register, and get the rights for, a new BBC TV series … “One Man and His Drone” …

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I dont know if anyone seen the drones they use to spray crops etc ,not only are they terrific for seeing views but are also becoming a tool for agriculture .For myself not as nibble etc as once was so it provides me with many uses that i cant no longer do .

Heres one you tube video not mine showing drone sheep dog in action

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