Skara Brae, Neolithic Village - June 2023

Another Neolithic site captured while on holiday and now processed, this time the amazing Skara Brae…

Flown from Skail beach after the Visitor Centre was closed on a windy evening and according to the CAA Drone code, still plenty of opportunity to capture the spirit of the place as well as to record what is…

Had to cut the flight short as we had a pair of Oystercatchers buzzing us, so better to leve early without all the footage than to risk injury to the bird and damage to the drone…


Some beautiful footage and editing :smiley:


Thanks, it was tricky to fly, especially as it was windy and there was a pair of Oystercatchers being a pain, but we got most of what was planned, and I am happy with the edit, been looking forwards to using that piece of music since first finding it a while ago :slight_smile:

When I was a kid we used to go on school trips to Orkney and Skara Brae was a highlight… back then it was a lot more accessible and we’d be taken down in to the the biggest of the houses by the guide and take it in turns to try lying down in the stone ‘beds’ to show how short neolithic folk were.

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Sounds idyllic, unfortunately they are a lot more precious of their sites now…

Another excellent video. I really look forward to all your productions, they are all interesting and well made. You certainly get out alot, i really should get out more. Scotland certainly has alot of history and interesting places to visit, much more than i realised, i must plan a trip. It must take you ages to get to these sites, but well worth the time. Anyway well done and thanks.

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The music is hauntingly brilliant and of course fitting. love the vid to.

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Thanks for the kind words Dale, I am glad you find my video’s interesting :slight_smile:

Scotland and most of the UK has a lot of interesting history, if we but take the time to seek it out, as to the visits, yes, it takes time to get there, but if you plan to go for a holiday and then stay in the area with a good idea of what you want to visit and fly, well you can pack a lot into the time, which makes it somewhat cost effective, it is ironic I have more video’s of Scotland than I do of where I live, but familiarity I suppose breeds contempt, so I don’t ‘see’ the things around me as much as we do when visiting somewhere else…

A few more still to process form the trip yet, 4 from mainland Scotland and 7 or 8 more form Orkney, still more to do that we didnt get, and lots on the other Orkney Islands too, but they will have to wait for a return visit in the future…

Thanks Ozzie, I got the music a few months ago, and thought I would save it for someting sppecial, it seemed right for this one :slight_smile:

A beautiful site, really impressive filming and editing. Coming from stills, your work really inspiring to try video too, though aligning the right music and produce such a professional presentation will take lots and lots of practice. Very well done and please keep sharing

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Thanks, if you have a photographic background then you will find moving into video relatively easy - I only started in August last year. Its about finding a way to fly that gives you the smooth style you want to adopt, and finding diferent perspectives and viewpoints. Set your gimball and turn rate really low in Cine mode and have a high feathering so the movements start slowly and end slowly.

I use Da Vinci Resolve for editing, it is relatively easy to get ot grips with - but a steep learning curve, lots of good video on YT on how to use it. Personally once I have the footage I will go to my music stash to find something appropriate - spend some time building a library of music from free sites - then do the edit around the music… Prep a good set of start and end plates and logo, and when flying plan your storyboard, you want an in shot and an out shot, plus a mixture of other movements the more you can add planes of movement the better it will look - think sideways and down or up and forwards or backwards - use POI to keep the subject in the centre and then fly - just have good spatial awareness so you dont run into anything…

Give it a go, and keep practicing, I look at what I am making and still see faults, but it is uch better than it was even a few months ago, as long as we are improving then that is what matters…

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Very helpful. Will certainly a look and start building that stock of music. Will be useful for AV too :+1:

Wow, great footage. Visited the place but it looks so different from the air.

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Thanks Jane, there is much more to be seen when looking down from height, although it has to be flown from the beach and out of hours, but no FRZ means no issues with doing so :slight_smile: