Smooth and hd setting within DJI fly app V 1.6.9 iOS

You said you had updated it :person_shrugging:

Do a screen shot of the current app

That was last week I did but then rolled back, I’ve just deleted 1.6.9.

Ok just updated to v 1.9.0 ( again ) the smooth & hd has now gone :man_shrugging:t2: now I need to connect it too the drone to make sure it has still gone, picture below as of now

I’ll brb after trying connection :+1:t2:

There you go it’s back, added the other pic just so you know I hooked it up :smiley:

Just so you can see the version

I’ll be back in an hour, I’m restoring back too v 1.6.9, v 1.9.0 giving me the ib jibs :scream::joy:

So I have just managed to get v 1.6.9 back on iOS,
Sorry if this looks a bit untidy please feel free to remove if needed or if something has no relevance, I’ve gone every way possible in trying to work this out, with just going round in circles.

Many thanks for all your help & input, maybe the next update might remove smooth & hd completely, or unless it’s my drone software confusing the app but, I’d have thought not.