So... what's on your bench at the moment?

Started the Zorro Wing for combat….

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Have to really, and when you get yours, well have to formation fly them… :grin:

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Finished, hopefully maidening at the weekend is my AtomRC Mobula Wing, 650mm
It’s running iNav 4.0

This is the wing that many reviewers have had trouble getting in the air, including the famous Painless360.
I’m hoping with iNav Autolaunch and this bigger motor (thanks to a Thingiverse mount) I might manage it without smashing the damn thing up.

AtomRC Mobula Wing, 650mm
Matek F722SE
BEC for servos
Axis AF204 2910KV
Tri-blade SL5125
Tower PRO servos
TBS Crossfire Nano RX
Matek 5G8 HV MMCX
TBS Triumph PRO RHCP MMCX 90deg
RunCam Phoenix 2 Nano

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TBS Source One 7" build :grimacing:

I’ll create another thread so I can waffle on about it whilst building…

A mock-up to generate ideas on how the FPV bits will fit, followed by drawings and 3D printing.

Started with the nose cone to strengthen this very fragile area.


If its just for combat, why not put on a 25mw AIO for a tenner?

I’ve had this sitting in a drawer long enough…but if it’s too heavy, I might.

I have one if you need it. It’s doing nothing here.

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Thanks, very kind of you…:+1:

Today I made a Li-ion pack for my plane.
Its a 4s 2p (8 18650 batteries) with a capacity of 5200mAh and a max current supply of 50A (hopefully). I should get a good half hour flying at least I think. Put together using a spot welder, glue gun and duct tape.

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Nice one Karl :+1:t2: I’m looking for somewhere that sells decent 18650 batteries for my Mambo. Was this company good?

Yeah. Quick UPS delivery, over packaged, a sticker and a bag of haribos :grin:
I’ve yet to test the pack, but they are real cheap at the moment on this site.

Nice I’ll take a look and see what they have. I found a couple of places online but their reviews were unbelievably bad lol

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Try NKON.NL been using them for a few years, blue chip product and quick delivery from Holland :+1:

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Is it best to have high discharge batteries for radio controller or are standard ok?

You’ll be fine with just a few amps.

So decided to fit the vista to the Nazgûl and give it the hd upgrade it deserves.

Firstly I had to strip out the old camera, vtx and antenna. I also had planned to upgrade the fc to an F7 and took that out as well.

I took the vista unit and after planning the operation decided to start with the soldering of the wires and plug so that I could plus straight in to the FC.

After soldering the wires in place I decided to initially try the original f4 Fc as it still had the gps and buzzer wires attached.

Then it was time to plug in and bind the goggles after activating the vista and prey for no smoke :crossed_fingers:t2::crossed_fingers:t2::crossed_fingers:t2:

Thankfully I could see my desk through the goggles and no smoke thankfully.

Time to rebuild and reconfigure everything before a TestFlight tomorrow

Thanks again to @DeanoG60 for answering a couple of questions when I was unsure


Surgery went well then :smiley: @Howard78

Yes mate. It was easier than I expected.

Sadly I also decided to update both Betaflight and the tango 2 so setting up o Morrow

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