Standon Hall, restored building now a wedding and events venue

Enjoyed myself flying after all the rain we’d had. My Stepson started working as a pro photographer for the events group that own the hall, which TBH I didn’t know that much about until recently, even though my Mother was in traction there for weeks when it was a hospital (I was about 7 at the time).

Click here for Drone Scene Entry


another great vid Colin. In the past few months I have learnt more about historical Midlands than I have in the 20 odd years of living in the area though your video’s.

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Thx Peter that means a lot to me. I love history and I’m glad a little of my passion can affect others in a nice way too! :rofl:

I enjoy history of the buildings and places in the area I live in and it’s clear to see this is a passion for you as the detail of research you put into these is great. Honestly have enjoyed your vids as you have been to a load of places I have ether visited or passed by and didn’t know half of what you mention in your videos.
These sort of videos’ are my sort of video - drones - history - interesting places - yeah what not to like

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Makes it all worth while. Cheers :+1:

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Nice one Colin :smiley: very smooth !
At one point I thought you was coming a cropper with a tree, jeeeez it looked very very close :sweat_smile:

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@Kirky The RC2 was lit up like a xmas tree Rich! :rofl::rofl:

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Very impressive building and well photographed. I wonder why the wing was built at an angle and not square?

I bet !
Did you have to run to the loo :man_running:t2::dash::dash:

Lost their set squares after a night on the tiles. :rofl: I’ll have to look into that though, an interesting point. :thinking:

Nah Rich, just let go of the sticks and retraced my steps back a bit. Mini 4 Pro OA is awsome. :+1: The mini 3 Pro would have been toast though.

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