Sunrise at Dunnottar Castle

About 6.45 in the morning. I wanted to get the sunset the night before but the wind was too much so stayed overnight in the campervan in the car park. Wind was still constant around 20mph and gusting so a bit nervous with the drone about 300m out over the sea.


You had to didn’t you the wifes been going on about this castle for ages, and you have to post some up :rofl:

Fantastic photo’s BTW :+1:

Fantastic shots :slight_smile:

Sorry mate, definitely worth a visit. It was closed both days we were there because of the wind so worth checking before going.

great pics!

Lovely location and timing :clap:

Just an observation, the horizon is skewed and slightly warped. Other than that, super shot :+1:

@PingSpike - keep calm.

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It is just curved sea.

Really nice shots. Impressed…

Loads of nice places to film in Scotland.

Yes. And to correct it in Photoshop, you can use Adaptive Wide Angle Filter.

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I was just joking about the curved sea. Would be good for people in boats though.

… and people on water skis :man_shrugging: :joy:

Great for a lake on a hill.

Sorry, dad joke. Just like when he got a puncture and told us it was only flat at the bottom.